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Gobias Industries

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Everything posted by Gobias Industries

  1. Ah, how we all love picking out phrases and make them mean what we want them to mean.
  2. I can guarantee that couches and cars will burn REGARDLESS of outcome of that event. Being a Columbus resident, I can definitely tell you that things will get crazy over here.
  3. Or, the "n" doesn't sound when he hits them notes, because damn if it isn't hard to hit those notes consistently.
  4. I never said Nels was better in all genres. I said overall he's a better guitar player. You misinterpret with malicious intent.
  5. You can't accept the fact that Nels is just a better orchestral player than Jay could ever be. Nels plays lap steel to enhance the music, trying to construe the lyrics through his lap steel. Jay just wants to cover Tweedy up, play some "rock" lick that may sound cool, but doesn't help show what Tweedy wants to show in the music. Nels plays collectively, Jay does not. It's as simple as that. Being one with extensive orchestral experience, I can attest to this. And I think most of us here value the collective product itself than the parts themselves.
  6. "Wilco is cock." oh wait, you mean written line... "what would we be without wishful thinking?" -wishful thinking
  7. USC has almost lost like 100000000000000000000000000000000 times. They really aren't the team that is reflected by its record.
  8. Alright. I was thinking if it was American Electric Power, maybe I would be able to symphathize with you better.
  9. "I'll make you forget yer flowers" Cline's overall versatility trumps Bennett's singular skills in one area. also, Cline knows what it takes to play in a group. he's the quintessential orchestral player. Bennett? More like a solo man, who doesn't know how to turn himself down.
  10. There's something about the physical album that sets it apart from simple mp3s I know, but it's a little more convienent to buy them online and back them up, rather than losing the cd.
  11. VIBES~~~~ for speedy mental recovery.
  12. Jesus, good luck to her. It's going to be hella windy unless major VIBES~~~~ get through.
  13. You ask a true musician, and you can almost guarantee that they will say that the piano is the most skillfully crafted instrument, and basically an instrument literally descended from the gods.
  14. Bennett can only play country/rock. Cline can do all and more. Thus a clear winner. Besides being the greatest guitarist to walk this earth, Cline is most possibly one of the coolest dudes ever, especially when you talk to him.
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