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Everything posted by awatt

  1. Is Nels sitting down for this one?
  2. I don't think we'll hear anything from AM tonight.
  3. First time my wife's heard this one and loves it. It's a keeper!
  4. Jeff sounds.... a little subdued in vocals, I think.
  5. Making up nicely for missing real live shows...
  6. A favorite live--can't wait for the end jam...
  7. I can't type fast enough here and on AIM (Mondayallhigh). Very exciting!
  8. How do I find the chatroom? New to AIM...
  9. Never thought of this one as sad until right now. It works, it's sad. Also Racing in the Streets.
  10. That's where I got the idea. Sounds fantastic as an opener!!
  11. Thanks for the advice on how best to maintain my gimmick, Pervert.
  12. Good luck with all your present and future moves! Happiest of birthdays (after 30, it's all over! Or just beginning!)
  13. More and more of my friends have been admitting their love of online gambling. They aren't Republicans (most anyway), but this oped piece makes a good case for potential political fallout for bill Bush just signed. Forget Iraq and the Foley fiasco, online gambling may do the trick for Democrats this fall.
  14. Not sure I want to admit this, but Bob Seeger's Night Moves gets me every time--I rarely ever listen the whole way through when it comes on the radio.
  15. This is tomorrow--today for some of you! I'm excited. Can we all listen to it together again and guess which song is next? They will start with something special, for sure, especially after last night....maybe Let's Fight? Praying for Box Full of Letters. Actually, I think opening with Hell is Chrome would be splendid. Ok, anything works for me.
  16. Ganja, bed-pans, artificial limbs--a dangerous mix in any marriage.
  17. Thursday is definitely a halfer--closing up shop around high noon.
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