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Everything posted by awatt

  1. Anything by Rush (sure this will get me in trouble ) Natalie Merchant songs on Mermaids Most Billy Joel Kansas and Less than You Think!
  2. for NYC show sometime between 10/22 and 10/24.
  3. Just back from kayaking around Mayne Island--saw Orcas, sea otters, and a freaking bald eagle!! Next weekend, it's on to Whistler. If you can find a way, get to BC.
  4. My bad. No reason to bring in 9/11 when we're talking about all the president's lies. But I will say that all politicians are scum, liars, and cheats, Democrat or Republican. Hard not to be cynical and utterly despondent about the state of US politics (just reading up on Foley in FL!) I love Abe though, a one-of-a-kind American hero. I've read most biographies and am always hoping they will have a different ending. Great writer, and great theologian, too.
  5. More food for thought about lies here
  6. I can't say I'm proud to reside in Georgia with fools like this, but then again, the rest of the country has gone stark raving mad no matter what state you're living in!
  7. Vacation, good Work, bad Enjoy a well-deserved vacation. Der Wilco means you are going to some Wilco shows? Lucky bastard!
  8. Ahh, of course. Be careful, though perhaps she may turn out to be a one-of-a-kind muse....
  9. Can't get enough of that Hebrew Bible!
  10. I'm sure I missed this, but what department are you in? Just curious....I'm guessing either Psych or Poli Sci, or maybe Econ.
  11. QUOTE(Somnambulist @ Sep 28 2006, 01:09 PM) * I can't believe all the "Why Would You Want To Live" least favorites. I dig that tune. Seconded. I love that song!
  12. The truth is, in what many would refer to as "the good ole days" (way before my time) authority figures in the university could abuse and misuse their students without fear or much concern. Now sexual relations of any kind between an instructor and students are seriousily monitored and I'm sure there are all kinds of policies in place that could get you in big, big trouble. Is she worth it? Perhaps flirtatious innuendo until the end of the term and the grades are turned in is the best way to go?
  13. Illuminating comments, much more stimulating than hearing undergraduates talk about religion and pop culture. Most of you are old and wise, yes? I'd highly recommend grad school in religion for you folks. Who needs to study Christianity or Islam, Buddhism or Judaism, when the real religious cosmologies and relevant spiritualities can be found in rock, or film, or art, etc. Someone should write a book.... Thanks for the banter. I don't think Jeff is a church-goer but do hear profound religious themes throughout his music, not all negative about religion. Amen from the choir in the chu
  14. rwrkb, stick to the freshman and don't get involved with academics. They are all nuts!
  15. You're right, too hard on EJ, those you list are actually excellent. It's just that Caribou was one of his lesser works, I think (Bitch is Back), and that cover, oy!
  16. awatt

    tweedy solo

    Maybe...there....is...a....God! for southeast shows.
  17. I'm touched. I worry about myself.... No, in all seriousness, reading through these awesome lists makes me realize that I'm missing out on great music and that people here have superb taste in music. For now--in January it will be two years--I can't help the fact that all my musical desires and tastes are satiated with just a few JT-related bands.
  18. I'd love to but don't have it. Can you summarize or give a sense of his comments? Thanks.
  19. Just curious what you think of JT's views on religion. I'm sitting here listening to Blood of the Lamb (I know a Guthrie song) and wondering if JT has ever stated whether he's agnostic, atheist, Buddhist, or whatever. UT covered some old traditional religious songs (Satan is an old standard, I think) and I've also been listening quite a bit to the new Loose Fur, which has been covered here, but the ridicule and disdain for Christianity seems pretty strong. I must say that that cd has grown on me tremendously.... Later Wilco releases also have more ambiguous references to religion--Theolog
  20. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but first album I bought was...Caribou, by Elton John. Luckily I veered away from that smaltz to the serious rock of the 70s, Born to Run, Darkness on the Edge of Town, My Aim is True, Damn the Torpedos, Blood on the Tracks, and on. I did and still do have a secret (now public, I guess) love of certain disco songs even though I spent one night in the Valley spray-painting "Disco" on all the Stop signs in Encino...
  21. High School days, 1977-1980: sex, drugs, rock n roll (ie, not a jock). From that time on, well, still not a jock.
  22. I've noticed that in Victoria oodles and oodles of young folk have tattoos and piercings. I have to admit, I really dig tattoos on arms, legs, lower back, etc., but I just don't get the piercings in lips, noses, eyebrows, belly-buttons and other body parts not visible to the naked eye. Are piercings cool in some way I'm not getting? They just look.....unappealing, IMO.
  23. AM: Box Full of Letters/It's Just that Simple BT: Red-Eyed and Blue/Someone Else's Song Summerteeth: I'm Always in Love/We're Just Friends YHF: Pot/Reservations AGIB:Handshake Drugs/Less MA1: love all Wilco MA2: Airline/Joe This was way too difficult. On second thought, I refuse to participate and will only go as far as saying my two least favorite Wilco selections are It's Just that Simple and We're Just Friends!
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