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Everything posted by awatt

  1. I just fulfilled my duty to keep this wonderful site operational!! It has nearly taken over my life. Please tell me paypal is safe and there's nothing to worry about using it. I'll continue to help in any way I can since I love Wilco and am loving VC.
  2. How could I forget that one from Wild, Innocent? Hell, even New York City Serenade deserves to be on this list!
  3. Forgive me if this has already been covered here, but have you watched this? http://www.loosechange911.com/ Crazy? Outrageous? Curious? Convincing? I'm just wondering what you folks think....
  4. Uncorked and nearly finished here!
  5. I've always hated cats until we got our two, Turbo and Ollie, and since then, can't get enough of the little pussies.... They love us too--almost every night they bring in a "trophy": a disembowled vole, rat, or bird of some kind.
  6. He resurfaced on the sidewalk of my block the other day yeah it's a fat check sorry charlie, honey, he's back from LA so son you better turn around yeah christ is on his way across town he was getting tired of hanging around yeah he's back jack smoking crack find him if you wanna get found he's having supper with the upper management of a new regime he's in a new jacket tax bracket sandals & a dark pair of jeans he's got deductions right on down the line dippin' ink cleans on all of mankind have no fear he's right here drinkin' beer just trying to get down he resurfaced on the sidewa
  7. First time I've read him (but boy does he love those parenthetical remarks!!). Not bad (and now I'm intrigued about his other books). (OK, enough already with parentheses.)
  8. A good question. Some immediate thoughts: The Who, Magic Bus and A Quick One (Live at Leeds) Dire Straits, Tunnel of Love (Making Movies) Springsteen, Kitty's Back and Incident on 57th Street (Wild, Innocent, E St Shuffle) Pink Floyd, Us and Them (Dark Side) Bob Dylan and Neil Young, of course...and Spiders
  9. BC has some fairly decent wines, like Jackson-Triggs. But alkeehol seems a bit more expensive here than what I pay in local package store in the states! I've got to get some single-malt scotch this weekend and would love your esteemed suggestions.
  10. Pp. 143-153, and 278 (checked the index on Amazon). Please, tell us what he's got to say. The first chapter on Britney Spears looks fascinating...
  11. I was just thinking of Bob the other day, don't really know why....Night Moves was a classic for high school. Now In agreement with Dazzler, above.
  12. Slipping and sliding and playing domino Lefting and then righting, its not a crime you know. You gotta tell your story boy, before it's time to go. Are you ready for the country because it's time to go? Are you ready for the country because it's time to go? I was talkin to the preacher, said God was on my side Then I ran into the hangman, he said it's time to die You gotta tell your story boy, you know the reason why. Are you ready for the country because its time to go? Are you ready for the country because its time to go?
  13. B.W. (before Wilco) this was one of my top-five played cds, a brilliant collection of songs I loved to listen to while driving, especially in the pouring rain when it was cold out. I like what y'all have said about it but definitely has weather vibes for me...
  14. awatt

    New Lyrics

    (I'll finish that thought) Make me happy!!!
  15. I'm embarrassed to give a hearty AMEN!! "All hands drunk!!" After college most of my friends started 9-5 jobs as lawyers, accountants, managers, etc. making good money, which I knew did not suit me, so what did I do? Graduate school....in religion yet! I followed my heart, and intellectual hunger, instead of the money, not knowing where it would lead. Glad and lucky to have landed where I did, feeling utterly independent and fortunate to have so much time with the family, and teaching, which I enjoy, and writing, which I enjoy even more. Although I would give it all up to be a hard-
  16. Ferry to Salt Spring Island; drove up to Duncan; Gyro beach in Oak Bay.... I love Vancouver Island and want to stay!
  17. I may be having a senior moment, but didn't they also play some Beatles before coming on stage???
  18. Let's Fight is really, really growing on me.
  19. It's changed my freakin life. Really. For walks, plane rides, reading, car rides, zoning out. It's special, too. It's AWATT!
  20. I'm a faker, but I'm thinking about becoming a real person here.
  21. Yea, not my cup of tea, really, but my brother highly, highly recommended it so I thought I'd give it a try. At the moment, just too.....British.
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