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Everything posted by awatt

  1. Go Seahawks, even without Shaun!
  2. "Black Jesus" [2Pac] Searching for Black Jesus Oh yeah, sportin jewels and s**t, yaknahmean? (Black Jesus; you can be Christian Baptist, Jehovah Witness) Straight tatted up, no doubt, no doubt (Islamic, won't matter to me I'm a thug; thugs, we praise Black Jesus, all day) Young Kadafi in this bi**h, set it off ni**a.. What? [Kadafi] I do my shootin's on a knob, prayin to God for my squad Stuck in a nightmare, hopin he might care Though times is hard, up against all odds, I play my cards like I'm jailin, shots hittin up my spot like midnight rains hailin Got me bailin to stacks more green;
  3. My kids, 7 and 9, have come up with a rap version of Neil Young's Old Man; they walk around the house singing Dani California and Hump de Bump; and now they are in to Brand New and Death Cab For Cutie. Not sure if I've utterly failed as a parent or am the coolest dad around....
  4. Before Wilco, Nirvana ruled my world....and I'm an old fart who didn't notice them when they were putting out albums. It was Unplugged that did it for me, then got the rest of the catalog in early 2000. Then musical tastes shifted and now have not looked back.
  5. AM Being There Summerteeth YHF A Ghost is Born Kicking Television No Depression Still Feel Gone March Anodyne
  6. to the gods who don't exist....
  7. Definitely going to go out and get this one... 's are always a good read.
  8. What about this as a close second? Um, happy new year!
  9. Call out the instigators Because there's something in the air We've got to get together sooner or later Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right And you know that it's right We have got to get it together We have got to get it together now Lock up the streets and houses Because there's something in the air We've got to get together sooner or later Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right And you know that it's right We have got to get it together We have got to get it together now Hand out the arms and ammo We're going to blast our way through here We've got
  10. Parents are visiting, and went out to East Sooke, which is very beautiful area with nice beach. The kids went to hawk watch this morning, saw some turkey vultures (got to love the carrion birds!) and went on some pretty rugged trails.
  11. This will be a treat, no matter what is included. ANATT!! Well, maybe not quite, but still, I'm thrilled and will buy.
  12. Personally, I like the end of the preview, the shot coming out of the tunnel. I'll have to try the "coco-popps" but for now watching over and over on other substances like, for example, wine and scotch.
  13. Absolutely!! I'd love to move up here for all kinds of reasons! My mom was born in Windsor, Ontario, so I'm looking into citizenship. I found out that I even have a cousin who's some old-foggie, much-beloved politician here. I'd never work for any company doing drug-testing.
  14. Get em both. Sometimes I catch cuts from Quad on the radio and am reminded how brilliant it is. Tommy is just a masterpiece in its own right though not sure how dated it would sound listening to it today. Also, don't forget another favorite Who mini-opera, A Quick One, While He's Away. The end of the song, with Pete singing, "you are forgiven, forgiven..." is sublime. I. Her Man's Been Gone Her man's been gone For nearly a year He was due home yesterday But he ain't here Her man's been gone For nigh on a year He was due home yesterday But he ain't here II. Crying Town Down your
  15. I was thinking a lot about this when I got on the bus and cranked on the ipod shuffle (D. Boon got my day started) on the way in to the office this morning. Thought about it most of the day, too. Hell, I think about this shit most days not only because of the job, but because religion, like Elvis, is everywhere you look in culture. Did you see article in NYTimes today about Fox creating a special movie-making production company for religious flicks (most expected to go straight to DVD)? I find myself agreeing with most sentiments posted here--religion can be good and bad, being religious/s
  16. Tears are in my eyes. I can't wait to get a copy of this dvd and watch it with the family, alone, whatever. It looks fan-fucking-tastic.
  17. On second thought, I'm sticking to my original position.... In spite of recent studies showing religious affiliation can be a factor in living longer and having better health, human history provides ample evidence of religion as crucial factor in carnage, murder, and pain inflicted on others. The Pope's recent remarks only remind us of this fact.
  18. The truth is, I want them to finish the album. But, if a solo Tweedy tour does materialize, I'm still praying to Almighty God that shows will be added end of October in NY or somewhere in the Southeast.
  19. Ok, I take it all back. Religion is all good.
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