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Everything posted by awatt

  1. Really discovered this scotch while in the duty free shop in Seattle airport. I wish I had discriminating tastes to claim I knew what I was buying! But I like....
  2. I've been in four different stores here in Victoria and no...one...knows.....who....Jeff Tweedy....is....here.....!!!! I can't freaking believe it and am sad and outraged. I'll get the dvd soon but am both mad yet slightly gratified that Jeff is not that popular!
  3. I liked Hole for a short time before discovering Wilco. Now, not sure I get it...
  4. Box Full of Letters????!!!!! Sad, but so happy for those in the audience..... If anyone recorded and can pass on an mp3, I would be so very happy!
  5. still for a Southern swing in early 07.
  6. Hope it's not too late, but happy birthday. Who the hell are you? It doesn't matter--you're a humane, funny, and insightful presence here in VC land. I wish you the best.
  7. Genesis with PG = early Genesis without (up to, about Seconds Out), then it all goes downhill and Phil becomes unbearable....IMO. If PG was involved in this reunion, it would be something special.
  8. I did not preorder because I'm traveling this coming week and had the assumption that I will be able to walk into a store and buy the dvd off the shelf. Am I nuts? Will this be available in Best Buy, or local cd stores, or other music stores? I sure the hell hope so!
  9. Ok, I'm feeling slightly high and very sentimental and will regret this in the morning. But someone should have a VC party somewhere in the middle of the country, in Kansas City or something, and we'll all come and listen to Wilco have a rockin good time. I will be there. If you'll all come to Atlanta, I will make arrangements at my house in January!!
  10. Great opening song: Misunderstood Great closer: Late Greats
  11. They used to open with this one.....I think I like it better at the beginning, but WTF, great anytime!
  12. Vancouver Island is going to hear me scream!!
  13. Who did he just thank? It dropped...
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