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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. Well, no one else did it so: Bachman-Turner Overdrive and The Guess Who.
  2. You are a left social libertarian. Left: 6.08, Libertarian: 5.22
  3. This one is more balanced. I ended up in the same arena, but its far less transparently biased.
  4. That's what I meant before. It doesn't say "liberal" for those that are, in fact, liberal. It calls us "progressive". Yet it calls others the same term thats always used. Progressive means we're moving forward. If, by moving forward, they mean "backwards to around 1933" they may have something. That kind of word manipulation just proves insecurity. And I'm not insecure about it.
  5. 334/400 Extremely progressive. The problem I have with it is the word progressive. I don't know if my ideas are the right ideas. They're just the ones I have. Could be that the most extremely conservative person is correct and I'm an idiot. Progressive has weird connotations, as in better. I'm sure one of the conspiracy buffs (no offense) will take this test and I'm interested to see the results. I would bet that a Ron Paul supporter would consider themselves progressive. But the results of this test will use another word for whatever those results will be.
  6. I'm so liberal it wouldn't have me! (I think your link is snafu-ed).
  7. This is a decent concept. I would agree that A.M. should be in the first phase. I suspect that SBS is the beginning of this one now, but we have to hear the new record. Nice work.
  8. You could add "extraordinarily bad driving" to that list this morning. Its a lot like bumper cars out there. The game is at 9:20 or so, so if you're going to the game, start driving now.
  9. Tell ya what, I'll drop you off in Cass corridor and then I'll listen to you bad mouth Detroit.
  10. Radiohead fans are so, um, un-English.
  11. D. Lowe. Nice game. No White Sox tomorrow. Called an account of WINTER AGAIN!?
  12. Work, relationship, personal hygiene, liver, all prepare to suffer, 'cause baseball starts tonight!
  13. Out of curiosity, is there a set of criteria for eligibilty other than time? I guess I mean, is it written down somewhere that these ten things are the hallmarks of a truly deserving artist to be included?
  14. Maybe not as badly as Oakland does, but the Lions could use a new owner.
  15. Tar Heels seem a little cocky. Go Vil!
  16. Oh, this thread would be much shorter if I stopped commenting on how retarded it is. Which I probably won't.
  17. Pretty tight so far. Weird fouling there towards the end. If you watched close you could see Izzo tell the ref to "..watch that m.f" Here we go.
  18. Alright, approx. 1 hour away from the first game. Predictions? Michigan St. over UConn (Long shot, but hey, I'm in Michigan) UNC over Villanova (But I wish it were the other way around) I will report all gun play, 'cause there's going to be a lot of shots fired in the air if MSU wins or not. Well, its Saturday, there's always quite a few every Saturday night.
  19. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! The town is completely buzzing. This is great.
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