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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. It ceratinly seems like he has a lot of projects at once. Including family. I'm excited to hear the new one, but I agree that they could use an editor sometimes.
  2. I'm sorry, I just don't buy into the paranoia. That paranoia is far more damaging to American confidence than anything I can think of. Edit: Actually, I don't really care. I'm gonna go make my 20 favorite Kinks songs list. These politics are getting in the way.
  3. Here we go! Memphis/Missouri
  4. You do read these things, right? That looked like he answered it like an intelligent guy.
  5. I just spit a mouthful of Coca-Cola on my computer! Who is he? Puddy?
  6. My two cents: That cop is like most cops I ever had contact with. For the most part they have been bullies, power tripped control nuts. The situation seems to be the last thing on their mind. Their version of order is first and foremost. And its often a terrible way to protect and serve anyone. This guy seems like that kind of cop. Having said that, I'll say this: The cops that I've met that aren't like that are fucking saints. I wouldn't do that job for any money. And certainly not anywhere near Detroit.
  7. I did well on this too. There was a huge collection on the Air Force base where my Dad worked. I cleaned up. 10 cent records! I'd say 1/3 of what I have came from that library. Hardly anyone else went to the sale.
  8. 20% makes it so simple. On booze, I usually tip high for selfish reasons: bartenders remember. Tip well and you'll get a drink faster.
  9. The New York Times has it. And NPR ran a story last night. It could be a disaster or hilarious. Either way, I'm going. I've always loved them.
  10. When the big piano comes in with the full band in time toward the end of IATTBYH. Chicken skin.
  11. I think it all depends. I know there is a "re-use" clause in live album contracts that pays out to performers. I assume that means all performers.
  12. Lucero is great live. But I'd give myself Neko for a birthday present.
  13. I think Magnet's overrated/underratted lists are overratted.
  14. As I keep listening I love the way it was recorded. The drums especially. Those drums are right up front.
  15. Hillary: The Movie This will be an interesting decision.
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