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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. I have it on fairly good authority that this is the man responsible for the pyramids.
  2. I'm from Marquette! Try driving 5 hours just to get a beer! Of course I was 19 at the time, but still! I love Sault Ste. Marie. You guys are like the Duluth of Canada.
  3. I like Ann Arbor, but boy its hard to drive around in that town. Great shows though.
  4. Try living in Detroit...we get shit on.
  5. I think the key phrase in the article is ...if everyone goes out and spends it..." there may be a concern of inflation. More than likely, however, countries will use it to pay down debt.
  6. Isn't it a little early for drunk typing?
  7. There's also a mp3 recording of that show floating around. With the song.
  8. Are you there to socialize or see the show? Who cares where your friend goes. Talk about the show afterward.
  9. I listened to Kicking Television. But only the first song.
  10. If Detroit doesn't get some bodies on the O line, anyone they put back there is gonna spend the season on their back. Plus, they'll have to give up #1 in the draft for him. Of course, like idiots, they'll probably blow that #1 on a quarterback.
  11. I tell ya. for a better than average quarteback it does seem he doesn't get a whole lot of respect. That said, if he is that sensitive either the New York press or the Detroit fan base would eat him alive.
  12. Yeah, one meeting with the new head coach and he flips out. I think he just has a problem with the whole organization. And a loyalty to the former coach from what I hear.
  13. Cutler just put his house up for sale in Denver. I guess that meeting didn't go so hot. Detroit, Tampa, Chicago, single file please and no cuts.
  14. It really depends on how or what style you play. If you're a heavy strummer type its hard to control whether the low end boom is going to drown out the sweeter high end strings. But flat picking or finger picking, for me, became a matter of timing. Using those low end strings as little as possible to accentuate the overall pattern. Like a waltz or a bass drum.
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