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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. I got caught up in it. The album, then the tour with strings, I played it every day. It just struck some chord in me. I've never really had another album have such an impact on me as an adult. I really couldn't tell you what it was or is about it even. It still flattens me. Knocks me out. Those albums come along for everyone at some point I think.
  2. I'm super interested in this album. Its got to be intimidating to record an album after something like "Blinking Lights.."
  3. I think this is the part that disappoints me the most. If younger people, especially younger musicians, would sit down and listen to those Sun records it would blow their minds. It was dangerous music. It was sexy. Hell, it still is.
  4. I love Elvis. I don't think I go a day without playing at least one song. It was such a large part of my childhood that it never let go. Plus I'm continuing my happy childhood to this day.
  5. I'm a real details man. I also remember Jerry being on Letterman his first time anywhere after Seinfeld had ended. It was a while after. His best joke of the set was. "People always ask me what I've been doing since the show ended. I'll tell you what I've been doing: sittin' on my ass".
  6. Alejandro Escovedo Eels Guided by Voices Nirvana Wilco
  7. Vibes. Keep your chin up there's hope. I just got called back.
  8. Why do you come to VC regularly? For a while it was to piss on the Doors. But I learned my lesson. The Doors are alright. What do you get out of coming here? Less time spent watching House How did you get into VC? I think I found it looking for the chords to "Via Chicago". Do you consider yourself a Wilco fan, even if you hate AM/SBS/BT/MA/MA2/whichever album blew chunks? No matter how far I may stray, they're still the best band I've ever seen live. How would you define being a Wilco fan? I named my daughter Jeff. If your interest in Wilco has waned, why do y
  9. I asked an employee and he said they we rearranging. When I asked if it was to make more room for the coffee and gift cards he said he wasn't sure.
  10. I went for Misunderstood. If only for that beginning.
  11. All the reports I see say no date for season 10 to begin yet nor for when they will begin appearing.
  12. Oh, I never thought we were disagreeing. And while I admit I might laugh about it if he sounded like Olbermann, my initial post and more my point was to show how strangely the Republican party has swerved. Limbaugh and a fourteen year old kid. Its pretty funny stuff.
  13. I don't know if this is happening everywhere or just here in metro Detroit. All cds and dvds are 50% off "while supplies last." Of course that only brings the price down to reasonable, but still.
  14. Alright, he was just on the news and said his "...job is to promote Conservatism over the airwaves." That sounds like someone familiar. The whole thing kinda turns my stomach. He was wearing an anti IRS t-shirt. How can a 14 year old understand the intricacies of the United States tax code?
  15. I'm pointing out how the conservative agenda in this country is being extolled by a kid and a nut. And someone is alright with that.
  16. It seems to me it says "type of business" every time. How does that stop me from putting in tomato plants?
  17. My daughter's favorite has always been "Magazine Called Sunset".
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