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Everything posted by dondoboy

  1. Agreed. My Martin doesn't sound right for a week or so. I hate new strings actually.
  2. Alright, I watched it. I walked out a couple of times, but I watched the whole thing. And here's my assessment. Objectivity is a victim in an editing room. With nothing else to do in my life, like living, I could make a movie promoting the man using the remainder of all of those edits. There are way too many records to listen to rather than wasting my time on that conspiracy shit.
  3. Now I'm pissed there's no mail delivery on Sunday. I can't wait to get started. After this initial discussion I got a stern talking to from my girlfriend. She looked at the Netflix queue.
  4. I listened for the first time last night. Great record. With a few more listens it may give "Fox" a run for its money.
  5. Deadwood has meant the world to me for the last couple of months. I would run from the truck to the mailbox to see if it was there. Now I am excited. I have no frame of reference. I know nothing of The Wire. But, damn, these are fine reviews. Once I am in to the series, I hope to have a discussion. Or, at the very least, quote.
  6. Netflix has taken over my life, but I'm alright with it. I just finished up the final season of Deadwood. It was one of the best things I've ever seen. I'm sad for it to be over. But, leaving Deadwood behind, I'm thinking about moving on to The Wire. Has anyone seen it? Give impressions please. Is it worth my time? And if not, what series should I move onto?
  7. The last tour was by far the best though. The sound was just blistering. So heavy.
  8. I've always had a problem with "Radio Cure". Its the one song on that album I consistently skip.
  9. Oct. '91 at First Ave. Minneapolis. 7 hour drive from Marquette, MI to Minneapolis and worth every mile.
  10. Wilco-11 Tweedy solo-6 Gillian Welch-6 Paul Westerberg-5 Nirvana-4
  11. I did too. My blood began to boil at the thought of another list. "Where the hell did this come from now?!" It was the phone call that tipped me off. I really need to calm down about Jay.
  12. All of the sudden I love this list.
  13. I love going to shows by myself. Its so much easier to move and its waaay easier to get two beers for myself.
  14. I thought this thread was about the new record. The Limbaugh thread is elsewhere.
  15. Rush to the President: Debate Me
  16. Here's a link to Monica Conyers being nutty about Jay Leno coming Monica Conyers calls into Valenti and Foster Sports Show
  17. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy....
  18. Crazy Monica Conyers, Detroit City Council's interim president called into a sports radio show yesterday and told the African-American host he and his on air partner, who is white, were enabling the racism of their listeners who thought it was fine for Leno to be in Auburn Hills. Seriously, the stuff that's happening here is absurd. The city is literally falling apart and this is what the city council chooses to spend time on.
  19. The level of debate this has raised among the on-air radio personalities here is almost as unfunny as Leno. The city council weighed in that it was racist for him to go to Auburn Hills instead of downtown.
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