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Everything posted by austrya

  1. My 4 year old does this, but on purpose. If I say, "I'm going to run to the store to pick up some stuff." He'll say, "You'll be tired if you run. You should drive instead. And, don't just get stuff, get milk and peanut butter and grapes (or whatever it is we need)." How does a 4 year old know how to be such a smart ass?
  2. I'm not supposed to chew gum at all because I clench and grind my teeth so bad. My dentist says I need to relax my jaw muscles and says not to chew gum and to wear my bite guard thingy as much as possible, even during the day. I clench so hard that I've cracked the stupid thing in multiple places. I used to chew gum a lot and now only do every once in a while, but it does make my jaw tired after more than a few minutes.
  3. I was listening to an interview with a plastic surgeon and they were talking about things people can do now to help age better. Stuff like sunscreen, sunglasses, staying hydrated, etc. I was kind of surprised when she said not to chew gum for longer than 5-10 minutes at a time. She said that chewing it longer, especially after it starts to get hard works your jaw muscles and can make them more prominent and the way you kind of stretch your lips over your teeth as you chew it can cause wrinkles around your mouth.
  4. I can't stand when words are purposely spelled wrong. The ice cream truck that comes through my neighborhood says "Pleez stop for kids" on the back. For that reason (and besides the fact that I never have cash on me), my kids will never get ice cream from that truck. "Kim's Kountry Kafe" is a restaurant in town that I won't go to because I think the name is stupid. I also hate when kids haveeee toooo typpppeee everyyythinggg likeee thisss. Seems to be mostly middle school and high school kids on FB, but it drives me insane!
  5. I still remember the outrage when they didn't renew his contract in the early 90s. I don't know the back story as to why the decision was made, I just remember people being pissed about it.
  6. This is such a bummer. Ernie Harwell reminds me of being a kid and hanging out with my dad while he listened to baseball on the radio.
  7. Along the lines of your #1... Original business related email goes out to a large group. One person hits "reply to all" to ask the sender how his vacation was (not business related). Sender then hits "reply to all" to say that it was fine except the assholes in Boston. The other guy hits "reply to all" to say that he had the same experience when vacationing in the south. Some lady in the next cube hits "reply to all" to let them know that that everyone can see their conversation (instead of just emailing the two people involved). Original person hits "reply to all" to say he's sorry. T
  8. My nephew has an imaginary friend named George, maybe it's your son.
  9. I love when you see an elderly couple walking and holding hands. It just melts my heart.
  10. When one group tries to tell another group not to be offended by something. Example: School mascot is a Redskin. Native Americans say it's offensive and stereotyping and want it changed. People (who are not Native American) telling the Native Americans that it's not offensive and they're not stereotyping. That's like me going up to some black guy and telling him not to be offended when I call him colored, negro, or n****r. People irritate me.
  11. You're like the opposite of me. I have a freakishly long torso and short legs. My husband is 5'10.5" and I'm 5'6" and when we're sitting, we both appear to be the same height. Which is a pet peeve of mine since I have to adjust the mirrors in the car after he drives it...
  12. Done, done, and done. Anyone else have a cause to post while I've got the credit card out Thanks for supporting great causes guys!
  13. I'm walking for Relay for Life this year. The actual event isn't until mid August, but you can donate here. I'm very excited to be a part of this. It's something I've wanted to do for the past couple of years and the timing of it actually worked out this year.
  14. We'll just sneak some hydrolyzed wheat protein in our stuff and fool them into thinking it's not MSG!
  15. We can only hope KFC will get involved because we will dominate if we can use sporks.
  16. My biggest pet peeve ever is when my 12 year old decides at 8:45 to start doing his homework that he needs help with. So while I'm trying to get a 3 year old, 4 year old, and and 8 year old to bed, he's constantly interrupting me to ask questions about math. I'm at the point where I'm tired and easily distracted and he's asking me questions about MATH! And then, after 9:00 when I'm still trying to get my 4 year old to sleep, he has to come in and tell me that his ear has been hurting all day and I need to go to the store and get some drops to put in it. If it's been hurting ALL DAY, why d
  17. I knew it!! Actually, I was on one of those anti-government, conspiracy theory websites the other day just for shits and giggles and came across someone who actually thought that there was some secret plot for the Chinese to take over America by way of Chinese restaurants. He mentioned about how he's been seeing them pop up by expressway on-ramps and figured that was so they could mobilize quickly and escape easily if they were found out or something. I sure hope that's not what Waffle House and Cracker Barrel had in store for us... Actually, I did a google search and found the post:
  18. What's funny about this is that the people who used to take Faux news as gospel now think it's a government run station put there to keep people from "thinking" they've been brainwashed by the liberal media. They think it's part of the plan that the NWO has implemented to take over the world. Bwaahahahaha! So there you have it. Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin are part of the New World Order!
  19. I didn't realize I was married to BOTH of you! I also never put the butter back in the fridge and often put the jelly in the pantry and the peanut butter in the fridge.
  20. Panther, do you believe those Westboro Baptist Church people and the Hutaree Militia people were planted by the government to give Christians a bad name so Obama can succeed in making the USA a Muslim country? Do you think the Chinese are trying to infiltrate this country by opening up restaurants everywhere? Do you believe that the government is hiding the fact that apricot seeds cure cancer so they can kill everyone off? Do you think the 2010 US Census is unconstitutional and that the government will somehow use it to repeal the 2nd amendment?
  21. It doesn't bother me at all. You can change the font and the size and the color of the pages and all that.
  22. I use my iPhone as an e-reader. I downloaded the Stanza app and the Eucalyptus app and both have free books via Project Gutenberg (I like classics). I also have the Kindle app and use that to buy e-books from Amazon.com. I don't know of a torrent site, so I can't help you with that one. I like being able to read in bed with the lights off and when waiting for appointments and stuff. I've got enough to carry around with 4 kids, I don't need to lug a book around too. Also, if I try to read a real book in the car, I end up getting car sick but for some reason if I read on my phone, I don't
  23. Those people who they raided (about 20 miles from my house, eek) were Ron Paul supporters according to an interview with the ex-fiance of one of the guys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex_cgeDA7Iw Here's the story: http://www.lenconnect.com/newsnow/x1009763095/Five-Lenawee-County-residents-among-nine-indicted-this-morning
  24. One thing about Aldi is that some of the stuff is pretty gross. I can't remember what it is that I bought one time but it was a good deal so I bought a case of it. It turned out to be really gross and poor quality. I ended up donating the rest of it to a food pantry. So now when I go there and want to try something I haven't tried before, I buy one or two of the items and hope it's there next time. Also, check out their "pharmacy" area. Sometimes they have the Aldi brand ibuprofen or acetaminophen and it's like $.99 for a bottle. Super cheap! The one by me is small and doesn't have mu
  25. I'll give you some scenarios and you tell me which ones have ADHD... A) 13 year old girl who talks a mile a minute, is overly emotional, spends hours on end drawing very detailed pictures, and makes the honor roll every marking period. 8 year old boy who does very well in school, but is constantly hounded by the teacher because of his messy handwriting. When his mom asked the teacher about his behavior at school because she wondered if she should have him evaluated for ADHD, the teacher said "Absolutely not, he's a delight to have in class and is way too smart to have ADHD." He is an emot
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