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Everything posted by austrya

  1. Lauren, you're awesome! Thanks for this
  2. Where I live, the water tastes good and is safe to drink. It's hard water, but it's city water.
  3. All I want to know is whether or not I can still drink tap water.
  4. All I know is Spoon makes me want to go out and buy a Japanese cigarette case and I don't even smoke.
  5. Lauren, you and OTM need to hook up (NAPE) and make some videos or something.
  6. You're fucking? Creepy, you bastard! Jay is one of my heroes. With Jeff Tweedy, I feel bad for them both. You're fucking creepy, you bastard! Jay is one of my heroes with Jeff Tweedy. I feel bad for them both. The words are the same but the story is so different.
  7. Have you checked that swine flu thread out?
  8. This thread it way too amusing.
  9. I have also heard that the lingering pain is worse the older you are. I had shingles a couple years ago and was in a lot of pain but no lingering pain. It just took a long time for it to go away. I can't imagine having it on my face though. Don't they have a vaccine for it now?
  10. Vibes to your mom. All I can say is lots of Vicodin and steroids.
  11. I think I'd rather have influenza than shingles. Shingles is enough to make anyone wish for swine flu.
  12. I ate ham today and still don't have swine flu.
  13. Antibiotics have come a long way since Penicillin started being used in the 1940's. Most people who died during the 1918 Flu Pandemic died from secondary bacterial infections that could have been cured with antibiotics, had they been discovered. I really wish the media would quit comparing 1918 with now, it would have been a totally different picture had there been Penicillin. I also wish the media would let people know that they have a better chance of dying from pretty much EVERYTHING ELSE than they do from Swine Flu.
  14. He's fighting with his little sister right now, so I'd say he's doing pretty well.
  15. My 3 year old had his tonsils out yesterday and the day before, we went on a tour of the operating room and they gave him some masks, a blue hair net thing, and those little slipper things that doctors wear over their shoes. On the way home we stopped at Target to get him some special pajamas for the big day and he INSISTED on wearing all of that stuff into Target. I think people thought we were paranoid he was going to get the swine flu or something.
  16. For all the people who are seriously worried that they will die from this, keep in mind that you have more of a chance of dying in a car accident the next time you get in your car than you do from the swine flu.
  17. I'm not worried. On another board I'm on, a lady has about 500 gallons of water in her basement and enough food to last 6 months in case of a quarantine.
  18. The town about 5 miles from me had this story from a couple of years ago: http://www.tecumsehherald.com/node/1751 I went to high school with Matt Peterson, who was the track coach. He's a real stand up guy, that's for sure.
  19. I live near Saline, and Tecumseh and they're always mispronounced. Saline is "sa lean" and not like saline solution Tecumseh is "tuh come see" not "tuh come suh"
  20. I know a lady who's mother had Alzheimer's and she (the lady, not the mom) always pronounced it "alts timers". DROVE ME CRAZY!!
  21. Michigan got some stimulus money to develop a line from Ann Arbor to Detroit. I really hope this happens. It would be nice for me to drive the 1/2 hour to Ann Arbor and hop on the train to go to a ball game or a concert as opposed to driving an hour one way and paying $20 to park and praying that my car doesn't get stolen.
  22. I know I want a healthy dose of anyone disagree
  23. FACT: The creepy Burger King likes square butts.
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