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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. Any thoughts on this guy?? Used to be in Girls? Good sound IMO just heard him yesterday for the first time
  2. its sordid Oh and not to mention The Republican Party doesn't believe in Global Warming and that Jesus is in full control so I like joking around with them. Its fun. It is an online act because after what they've done and who has led them they really don't deserve respect or an equal debate. I mean its just a joke isn't it??
  3. Kevin youre talking about the party of Palin, Bachmann and yes McConnell too. They are all human jokes in my opinion. Not to be treated with much respect at all. Maybe if I knew them personally. I mean just think for a second about how they've attacked The President and his family. The stuff I've seen on the internet and heard from their leaders like Beck (NRA keynote speaker) and the NRA is the strongest lobbying group they have. So when they write off the psychos I'll start talking to them like I talk to my many Republican friends in DC. Believe it or not one of my very best mates and old ro
  4. Hixter do what I did in 04 When Secretary Kerry lost. I thought the world would come to an end. I cried. I was living in DC and that morning the subway was like a funeral train Except I got off at The Pentagon that day and most military folks were all smiles. The Post headlines read BUSH CHENEY REELECTED I decided to ditch politics for a few years. Stopped reading political books and definitely stopped spewing about it on the internet. Noone wants to hear it. The man was just sworn in like 4 months ago. Give it a rest. It will help you personally because it will really not affect you perso
  5. but that's really not saying much if you think about it. they probably have the least boring vs great material of any band in history or at least that's played as long as they have. they can play 7 8 even 9 or more new songs from their latest album every single show they play and that my man is UNHEARD of
  6. Kevin the President has compromised WAY beyond any other President and cant get anyone to meet him anywhere close. Theres something different about him but I cant put my finger on it
  7. you have a better chance of Watt sitting in than Jeff Tweedy
  8. a Mitch McConnell infrastructure deal???????????? BWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUGGIN PUHLEASE. Just insult yourself!
  9. what the hell are you smoking? can I get you to PM me some?
  10. damn I wonder how much that Flo chick has made?
  11. he and carl reiner have dinner together and then watch a film together every single night. in case you didn't see that
  12. dude that is a bit boring. jerry and pete look like they couldn't add 2 plus 2. like high on some really good heroin
  13. The President will never get an ounce of respect from these folks. He could kill Bin Laden and they would poo poo it.
  14. you lived there?? at least when I was there I knew Wilco would be around every year or so at the 930 club for a multi show run. And that is SPECIAL
  15. Actually 91 MSG is/are one of the bright spots post Brent
  16. living outside of the city and commuting is a nightmare. living in the city is something like living in Rome at the height of the empire. Its is beautiful x10 and the weird thing is no buildings over 10 stories but one
  17. yeah well definitely don't move to Washington DC. It really is a beautiful place to live though
  18. oh please tell me where you guys get your higher level political discussion from?? I watch Brian Lamb too. Ive read all the Woodward books. any political books short of Beck and Limbaugh for that matter. Been to tons of live political happenings. just let me know what im not seeing. having lived in the district for most of the last 20 years or so my friends work on both sides of the hill and we talk day and night about politics. bleedorange you can give me a break smart boy. you probably like the roundabout on The Five. I just happen to be a proud Democrat and proud of my party and my Preside
  19. There is nothing worse on PLANET EARTH than watching Peggy Noonan SIGH on Sun talk shows. She is the master of groaning and sighing and if you know anything about Washington or the sunday talk shows you'll know exactly what im talking about
  20. reminds of the whitewater garbage during President Clintons term. is there anything in any of these "scandals" that has anything to do with President Obama? well............except UmbrellaGate of course!
  21. I was thinking about the IRS targeting tea party or whatever and remembering back to Bush and Co when there were anti war demonstrations. didn't they like spy on them and plant troublemakers and label them terrorists and what not? never heard a peep from the media about that.
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