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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. Sad News http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/josh-burdette-930-club-security-head-dies-at-36/2013/09/02/31f010d2-13e9-11e3-a100-66fa8fd9a50c_story.html?hpid=z2
  2. very sorry to hear about this one! im sure Jeff is devastated
  3. but hey a teacher made their choices and a CEO made their choices so let the teacher live with being a public servant. As far as the Governor is concerned...............What is Scott Walkers salary??
  4. weren't the righties telling us earlier in this thread that 250K was middle class in many localities and folks would have to struggle to make it on that?
  5. "He said that it's easier to buy an assault weapon than it is to vote" Ummm he didn't say anything close to that did he?? yeah lets follow GW Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and Sarah Palins words instead
  6. My deepest condolences to you and your family!! I cant imagine the pain. Celebrate the life that he did live!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slGQmoCBLLY&feature=player_detailpage
  8. When you talk about race its still basically seen as those who would have had to drink from one fountain and those who would have had to drink from the other. And that was GOVERNMENT POLICY for over a couple hundred years. But hey why cant they just get over it already? Heres a good question for the political board. What do you guys think of affirmative action regarding college admissions??? And what about nepotism AND especially at Universities where nepotism isn't even possible for black folks because their grandparents couldn't attend?? And what do you think about athletes being given
  9. yeah the left and the media are fanning the flames of racial tension and the ones of us white and black who are pizzed off are just a bunch of braindead victims who don't really see that we are the racist ones.
  10. Chris Lane's murderers (sorry edited for Hix) are in police custody. Are they not? George Zimmerman is at his local Olive Garden and Trayvon Martin is rotting in the ground
  11. this racist white against black against white murder crap started by FoxNews is as about as disgusting as it can possibly get.
  12. PERFECTLY PLAYED. I was on the 5th row. What a show. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jerrys solo. I think this was a bust out after like ten years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrUTNG7QL5c
  13. I was a proud member of The Young Republicans freshman year. Then I started reading and learning stuff. Maybe it was Zinns A Peoples History of The United States or Maybe it was Be Here Now of The Whole Earth Catalog. Again you guys can stick with Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Bush, Reagan, McConnell et alia.......... I support the Clintons, Obamas, Carter, Pelosi and the rest. To me its pretty simple and cut and dry. I figured it out around 19. PS Having lived in DC most of the last 20 years Im great friends with many many Republicans and we have a blast raising hell with each other. I guess it does
  14. I LOVE REPUBLICANS! Never had an answer in their lives. Just spew garbage
  15. If they thought that person could win the general election they would nominate him/her in a hot minute
  16. this is a great example of when Jerry was sober http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhX9DJIZ1NU
  17. haha do people actually believe that Republicans care about their nominee's actual beliefs?? they would nominate Jeff Tweedy if they thought he could take Ohio you do realize they just sent Mitt Romney up to get beat right?
  18. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/12/us-budget-deficit_n_3745096.html
  19. Ive learned to love Dr Dog. As hard as I tried not to. They are just allsome
  20. Springsteen is better seen in an indoor arena. At least that's where I saw him and was floored. I just love watching his live vids on you tube as well. I saw the Quadrophenia tour in like 98? I think and it was allsome
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