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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  2. Those are crazy people John and not what Republicans are actually like. I mean did anyone see the lineup for the Republican debates last year?? Good lawd
  3. ummm because the guy who did it is sitting at home eating bon bons??? oh wait maybe hes not https://soundcloud.com/deadstate/9-11-call-made-by-shellie So he couldn't have hidden the gun?
  4. supposed to be less than 20K by years end. down from a 150K or whatever is what you call "winding down" what do they know? they weren't there. NOONE was there the night he blew Trayvon away either. Luckily for George.
  5. huh? you believe George Zimmerman like hes God almighty or Abe Lincoln or what? Forget that guy
  6. id like to know what "genre" is going to even come close to doing what rock acts do. I guess he means "pop" like Adele or whatever? my brother and I were talking the other day about how for like a year or two ALL that was on MTV was Rob and Big and then he asked me what is on there now and I had ZERO answer.
  7. getting our brave men and women the fukk out of there!
  8. What a night that was! I sat on the ground right in front of him and it was one of the best shows Ive ever seen. I have a pic somewhere.
  9. KevinG I guess they are saying we should equate bombing Syria with two major land wars with half a million or more servicemembers having served and over 5000 DEAD and God knows how many maimed for life. Same thing and if they don't hear from every single person on the left within one week then were a bunch of hypocrites. Save the fact that President Bush and Vice President Cheney (it seems to me) lied their asses off and President Obama (it seems to me) is actually trying to save civilian lives. How many civilians were killed in Iraq I wonder? Does President Obama get any credit for winding t
  10. http://mediamatters.org/video/2013/09/09/fox-news-questions-whether-syria-conflict-is-si/195799
  11. sorry maybe its the homophobic stuff but more than likely its just the straight up racism. again im talking about the leaders of the party that I listed. Did I mention Sarah Palin? Ted Nugent on NRA board and keynote speaker. racist as all get out. klan style stuff hes been talking this past few months. Again I was in Washington for so long we just gave each other hell without much thought to stepping on someones toes. I have many many Republican friends that work on the Hill and one old roommate and bestest buddy that's on Fox all the time now. Hes another of you self proclaimed independents
  12. DAMN forgot about Christie. I think he could be President. He scares the bejesus out of me.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArOdt7hoeJ0&feature=player_embedded
  14. “Please tell my brothers I love them still Over the mountains on their phone bill I should call more often But they know I never will Please tell my brothers I love them still. Please tell my sister I miss her too My nieces and nephews and their swimming pools When I think about her Her skies are blue Please tell my sister I miss her too Please tell my father I love him still Forget the railroad and all those bills Head for the cooler And drink your fill Please tell my father I love him still Listen dear mother, I miss you the most And as I travel fr
  15. Put it this way WilcoMe. Think of how beautiful the drive is and youre done.
  16. I'm at rcp every day any October. uncool2pillow can you site some main voices of the party that aren't crazy people? Maybe David Brooks is half sane. Don't even get me started on the last administration. You think we want another one of those???!!!
  17. but forget the quotes. Speaker of The House John Boehner Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Governor Mittens Romney (last Presidential candidate) Bill O Reilly (number one on cable) Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck Show me any of the above saying something I should listen to
  18. Ted Nugent is on the NRA board. Lets start with them. "Prominent politicians who appeared included Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former presidential candidate Rick Santorum, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Sarah Palin. They have something in common, beyond the fact that they've all run for president before or might in 2016. Like the NRA itself, they all camp out on the conservative fringe but are nevertheless convinced that they represent the mainstream. motionsPerry, who calls Social Security "a monstrous lie" and has flirted in the past with the idea that Texas should s
  19. So, it is “silly” to provide meals for children who may be food insecure at home. What a terrible waste of money that could be better spent elsewhere – such as Congressional voting sessions to repeal Obamacare.
  20. Are we allowed to talk about what the right wing leaders say about President Obama on viachicago or is that off limits. Im talking about the MAIN voices of the party and the number one news channel in cable history. I can give you a rundown of what they say and their minions call it "crazy talk" I figure Jeff Tweedy campaigned for President Obama ten times or more and for Mayor Emanuel as well. I'll just throw my vote in with Jeff. Anyone who sings Hummingbird cant be but so wrong anyway
  21. I hope everyone is having a great Saturday. Its beautiful here in Virginia
  22. I wonder if the Troglodytes on ViaChicago will start blushing over Vladimir Putin
  23. Back to the teacher crap. I can assure you there are hundreds of thousands of "project managers" who surf viachicago etc......all day every day and then go into meetings and give "status updates" for a half hour and make ten times what most teachers do. No need to discuss or argue. I know. Im right in the middle of it and see it every single day.
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