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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. that damn MMJ deal down there would be so much fun. they are one of a very few bands that would be fun to see in a situation like that.
  2. most people have never listened to The President speak for more that ten minutes but they can all tell you exactly what he stands for.
  3. youre like most Americans. watch something else and then tell us how full of sh*t politicians are.
  4. SO Paul Williams actually produced the entire Daft Punk album?? Has he produced much in the past?? I saw some flick on IFC or something about how he was finally clean and sober but nothing about all that!
  5. anyone ever like the band Vinyl from San Fran? Kermit Ruffins and the BBQ Swingers are allsome The Dinosaurs were a fun one
  6. yeah having to play in a lit up cafeteria to a bunch of folks that don't seem to know much about your band seems like it would be ten times worse than someone recording it. there are guys sitting in the back texting and what not. I would be staring and crying and drooling
  7. I have a US Marshal in the immediate family very close to me and we spend about every weekend together. He thinks nothing on earth is as dumb as these chumps we see at Home Depot and Wal Mart etc with their sidearms in plain site. He has never once carried his gun outside of work and when hes on the clock you will never ever ever see his star or his gun. To quote him "I don't want people knowing that shit" One thing you never seem to hear about in these debates is now the violent crime rate is down like 80 percent from the early 90s and that sure as shit didn't have anything to do with mor
  8. Yeah there aint no cover version of Sympathy that could even begin to touch the one in Rock and Roll Circus. I think that was in like 67 or something?? Truly groundbreaking and must have fukked faces when they did it.
  9. I thought it was around 65 percent of GDP and it was over 100 percent after WWII. Just a few tweaks will take care of that easily. Labor Participation is falling because all of the baby boomers are retiring. You didn't hear shit about the jobs numbers for the past six months because they were terrific. Im just happy things are getting a hell of a lot better.
  10. is there something wrong with consuming cocaine and whores at the same time?? I mean he wasn't married was he?
  11. That Dylan/Dead CD is actually terribly underrated IMO You'll never hear any better live Dylan after that. There are some great versions of songs on there and even a Joey!
  12. whats worse? Christie's Chief of Staff making a bridge one lane for a week or President Clinton getting a BJ in the Oval Office?
  13. worldrecordplayer I had the same problem and I told the DA to get fukked and went to the penitentiary for 14 months so its just that easy.
  14. I keep trying to post a pic but after I paste a link the dialog box wont let me OK or close it
  15. I saw the Greg Allman band one night back in the early 90s at The Flood Zone. He was so butt hammered he was seriously falling off the piano stool. Hes always seemed like an asshole anyway and now hes a dry drunk. and now come to find out hes a narc. PUKE!
  16. what venue was it? sit down rock shows are lamer than hell
  17. First off.............Pole guy has to be 65 years old minimum. He looks like Santa Claus by now Second off when you mention Chapel Hill 93 that brings back memories. Dean Dome Dead was actually fun and they played the shittiest setlist EVER
  18. better than any "religious" experience ive ever had
  19. The thing from the theatre 1839 that kills me is the Let me roll it!
  20. That Theatre 1839 show sound quality is off the charts. Really great great music
  21. I was at that one in Chapel Hill I think it was where he sang it to that girl and it was one of coolest moments Ive ever witnessed in any performance or otherwise really.
  22. To me someone saying GD and Phish and DMB suck is the same as someone saying Wilco sucks. Of course that's totally different then you not caring for them. Again I was just saying that IMO folks that talk all that know almost ZERO about those bands. Maybe I should have said next to nothing. I know that people absolutely hate all 3 of those bands in varying degrees
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