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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. Just curious? I heard that "Smashing a perfectly good guitar" song and somehow I was picturing Nels busting a geetar to pieces but then I thought............No. That's not really their style, but maybe back in the day?
  2. Yeah Wilco Me that God in Charlottesville was epique. I was on the front row smiling. A little different I guess because it was a full band
  3. I love SummerTeeth as well!! What about Hate it Here?
  4. Dark Stars better when you don't try and play close attention. If that makes any sense. Its like you can play it driving down the road alone and then look up and you've gone 20 miles and don't consciously even remember driving. That's when it does what its supposed to do. I thought the one they did with Wilco was nice and spacey. Whether you know it or not. Phish does 45 minute songs and tons of 20 minute plus that are the EXACT OPPOSITE of boring. They are firing on all cylinders since Trey got clean and they are UNREAL now. The only word to describe their jams during like "Bathtub Gin, or D
  5. Theres a Light What Light Theres a Light One Light Theres a Light White Light Inside of You To the point As much as I hated some thing Hitchens said back in the 90s about President Clinton when it came to this debate there was no one finer on earth. He was perfectly eloquent on every point. He just crushed opponents in the debates he would do. Theres a good one on youtube not long before he was sick that's him vs Dinesh DSouza at Notre Dame and his opening statements is the tits.
  6. sorry that was so poorly written! I was typing fast and doing something else. I also want to add that the habit is SUPER DUPER DUPER DUPER expensive and at my worst I was making 6 figures and spending most of it on shit. Lets say 200 a day which is 6 grand a month. Adds up and you end up with nothing but a habit
  7. Much LOVE from down here in The State of Virginia!
  8. the thing is with opiates that makes it so different from other drugs. you can smoke pot 30 nights in a row and have a blast. maybe go out of town and you may feel a tiny bit sleepless the first night or something. if you do opiates like me and jeff and jerry Garcia and trey anastasio and whoever else with about 36 hours of running out (if you have a heavy habit) you might be shitting yourself but you will definitely be sick in a way that is literally X10 worse than any flu or anything that's even explainable. I never screwed around with the shit until I was past 30 and it would make me fe
  9. Im sure this has been done before but cant find it. Im gonna go with One Wing. I don't hear a lot of props for that purty tune
  10. I actually think without a net is great place to start. to me some of the versions of those songs are as good as it gets. that album and that live JGB album from around that time are the tits
  11. I always wonder if Robert Redfords hair is real. shit if you have the loot for a good dye job why not? every woman does it for the most part. no shame in that
  12. I still love One From The Vault because it was the first time they played a bunch of those songs live and they flipping KILL
  13. his hair definitely aint that dark nowadays but in my book he can do no wrong
  14. Winston that DP 26 looks like something you would be interested in
  15. ^^^^^ that was my 19th birthday show! and I was on the tenth row on some acid that would make anyone blush
  16. now all I think about is him singing a slow boat to china to Joaquin phoenix at the end of The Master
  17. let us know how that Dr Dog show was. They have been on the road for awhile now and I bet they are killing it As far as Michael Kang. In 1998 I saw them at The Bayou and were singing their praises. I then ran into all of my friends in DC that HATED the string cheese incident and I ended up not being such a fan but their early bar shows were fun.
  18. I always thought the line I received your letter yesterday About the time the doorknob broke was AWESOME! When I was young I was like WTF is he talking about and now I still am. The only thing I could picture is his girl being in her NY apartment with another man and him knocking on the door and her saying she couldn't let him in because the doorknob was broke?
  19. is the lyric "when I sat down on the bed next to you, you started to cry" kinda cheesy?? don't get me wrong. I LOVE the song I always love Your hands and feet are mangos Youre gonna be a genius anyway
  20. haha Lanegan could maybe do it! yeah after I saw the one on ACL I kinda changed my mind plus again Jeff seems to love it so who am I to say anything? To me it was kinda like the kraut (or whatever) version of Spiders. I personally like the older and newer version x1000 times better but again im an idiot. I also pine for the original versions of One Wing where Pat would jump up and come lay down some tasty licks on his geetar
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