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Everything posted by IRememberDBoon

  1. bwhaaa I thought old Cornbread was smarter than that!! but OH WELL!!!
  2. why didn't they let Courtney sing some Nirvana songs?? she would have been a better fit than the ones that played IMO
  3. there are a TON of old deadheads that know NOTHING about music outside of the Dead/Bluegrass/Jamband scene. And they never will. They haven't listened to a song written in the last 20 years unless its "If the shoe fits" Its sad really and they don't want to change. They especially hate Phish. They are absolutely some of the most close minded music fans on earth and that so sad considering what kind of musicologist Jerry was. (not talking about all of them of course but the Deads got enough music to keep them mentally busy) All I want nowadays IS to hear some NEW songs. I might have heard
  4. was that David Lindley in the Bahama knights or am I just a dumb redneck??
  5. was that David Lindley the whole time??
  6. ahhh Ive liked that but I guess I never look at the comments.
  7. Lammy don't forget Help Slip!! I was at the NSB and the Here Comes Sunshine and the Cap Center Ripple Heartbreak speaking of Scarlet > Fire I was at Hampton 88 (one of my first shows) and I think they played So What > Sugar Mag > Scarlet > Fire and when they went into Scarlet the folks in front of me started hugging and I was thinking hmmmm what is this?? Those 88 shows are hot as hell BTW PS The best Unbroken Chain played besides the one on the album is BY FAR the Phil and Phish from 99.
  8. Three Dollars you should just make the run to Portsmouth. Its so much smaller than Merriweather and way easier to get a ticket to
  9. Dang Heartbreak! Did you ever catch a Lazy Lightning / Supplication?? I wanted to hear that more than anything and they played a Supplication Jam sometime in the mid 90s but I cant remember when it was
  10. How about the favorite bust out you saw?? I still LOVE the Easy to Love You from Phils BDay 3.15.90 And I saw Hampton 89 and a bunch others. That Help Slip Franklins the first night was as good as Dark Star to me
  11. the good thing is there definitely is not a bad seat in the house at the Lincoln. its a very special venue and that's saying something in Washington DC
  12. Wilco Me. That's one thing about living in Central Va. Phish either plays there or Hampton every year and its always epique You are gonna have a blast and you wont see them at a smaller venue. They will blow the roof off of that place. I just wish Wilco would bring it back to Charlottesville!!
  13. I did that Deer Creek and then Alpine Run. Every thing was beautiful until it rained
  14. DAMN I know an old friend of mine flew from Asheville NC to NYC yesterday to catch two of the shows
  15. Nice Yaz! Wetlands was fun. I went there for a Babatunde Olantunji show way back in 89. One of my first times in NYC and I knew I wasn't in Virginia anymore
  16. The Far Right psychos have the moderate right locked up tight. They are so scared SarahPAC is gonna put some loot behind someone to run against them in the primaries and the Far Right knows how to win those. Also, is it me or is this the WORST CONGRESS EVER!!?? I mean even thru the 90s with Gingrich and Co we got tons of things passed with bi partisan support. I swear this house doesn't seem to do one damn thing except IRS and Beghazi hearings.
  17. those Fall 90 shows (I think I went to every one) were bittersweet and saved only by the fact that Hornsby was there. I don't think theres ONE post Brent show that is as good as any show that he took part in. Certainly nothing post 92
  18. have you guys/gals seen the 11.24.78 Passaic NJ stuff on youtube?? I cant seem to paste it here but just look it up. Its schweet
  19. yeah I guess but at least he could have played the keys. maybe a shot of wild turkey 101 would have helped
  20. you aint gonna get much better or older than the Lincoln theatre AND Bens Chili Bowl is NEXT DOOR WOOOOOHOOOO!!
  21. if you ask me that sh*t is WEAK. How come "stars" are always coming down with "something" and my fat azz only gets sick once every 5 years tops?? I know I know ((((knock on wood)))) Gregg just seems like a azz to me anyway and now this?? Cmon dude at least play the keyboards WTF
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