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Everything posted by froggie

  1. > Weird, it still works for me, just tested it again. Perhaps I am doing something wrong. works for me now as well... must have down in the morning > No way the flight is only 5 hours but I've been wrong before. Australia to Chicago is probably like a 15 hour flight. yeah, i was referring to the time from sydney -> perth. to chicago would probably be even longer than 15 hours
  2. just remembered something i forgot to mention. the position i had at this one was slightly in front of the main main PA system (meaning the speakers were level with where i was standing or even behind me), so we could hear of the stage monitor mix. jeff's one was blasting in my ear the whole time so it was cool to hear exactly what he plays, louder than the rest of the band
  3. that article link above doesnt seem to work
  4. recording hasnt been uploaded that... i only had that little snippet sent to me.
  5. mine's a standard 2CD jewel case with that clear plastic flapppy thing seperating the 2 disks
  6. looks pretty cheap in australia. JB hifi has the cd for $20 and the cd+dvd version for $25 http://www.jbhifionline.com.au/music/search/artistid/183675 looks like all their cds have dropped in price
  7. in sydney, nels seemed comparable to the first melbourne show. he was a lot more laid back on the 2nd melbourne show
  8. http://www.sendspace.com/file/8cemv1
  9. rebecca, you should scan the setlist if you can and post it here indeed the day was a delight!
  10. thanks... used flickr instead. here they are. 18th and 19th april is melbourne and the 21st is sydney. the 18th april ones are really blurry cause i had to hold the camera way over my head to avoid people in front of me... they can artsy artwork though enjoy.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/8019777@N08/
  11. ........ once someone can help me i created a sub-album in photobucket of the melbourne and sydney photos i took. i tried copying the link to it but it wants my myspace link/password for other people to view it??? whats the simplest way to paste the link without other people needing a password?
  12. hang around the yarra river - lots of restaurants, bars, the aquarium, the casino and things like that give me a hoy when you're down here... melbourne VC'ers can have a get together what uni does your friend go to and studying what?
  13. was that a grey haired guy?? - one kept on walking past us and pointing to someone about 2 or 3 rows back. thanks for the pics, by the way. from the angle of them, it might have you that got the finger from him! i'll get my pics up tomorrow morning
  14. i only took one piss at the end, andrew! you must have been in there the whole time. i had my back to rest of the place though what is it with sydney pubs? - you ask for a pot (err, sorry - middy) or a pint and they still give you a schooner!
  15. link doesnt seem to work for the SMH article for me... i assume these were the guys taking photos during the beginning right in front of the stage?
  16. > Were one of you guys wearing a Wilco 2003 shirt? that was me! (blue/black 2003 t-shirt)... where were you sitting?? the guy that kept ducking out was kungfunion, also from VC. another VC'er (shiralee) bought in a pizza from over the road apparently the guy behind the bar with the grey beard was the wilco fan there that played the whole of summerteeth. we left just as When you wake up feeling old finished
  17. its about 5 hours, but there is a 3 hour time delay
  18. pedere is child molesterer or something like that in greek
  19. how was the performance??. nels told me they had an 8am flight out sydney on sunday morning which would have given much time for a rest
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