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Everything posted by jenbobblehead

  1. i'm kind of surprised he got suspended for 2 weeks. certainly there have been worse infractions...
  2. i am taking a break from working the polls like this.
  3. what the hell kind of cake is it when its not cake? I'm confused.
  4. *swoooooooon* hey, is that an engagement ring on ficky's fingah?
  5. is she the "i feel pretty" ad girl?
  6. i feel like you're trying to tell us something here...
  7. You kids have a good week at work and school and if you have a primary in your town, don't forget to vote.
  8. caliber is gonna be really pissed that you posted that picture of my bosoms.
  9. i sure hope for your sake it doesn't have that ghey lion on it.
  10. i drank an awful lot of that when i was in Australia. that and Lion Red (that might have been New Zealand)--does it still exist (Lion Red, i mean...) that was a tasty beer. I had lots of it when sitting at a pub near the train station and all the coal miner guys would come in at lunch and explain cricket to me.
  11. both of those pics look like you guys are dead...like those death photos from the turn of the century. in other news, oatmeal and a nice english muffin with strawberry jam this am, out under the big oak tree. i am still trying to decide about apple pie.
  12. you know i love the royals, even when they beat the red sox (and especially when the whup the yankees and the white sox) which they have been doing with ease lately, but damn if that mascot isn't totally ghey. Sluggerrrr? favorite musical--CATS? wtf!? he's a lion, with a crown seemingly growing out of his head, but no lion's mane, oddly enough. me: says here his favorite song is "The Lion Sleeps Tonite," caliber: should be "its raining men." me: hahahhahaha.
  13. steak for him (again), a plain burger for me, with oven roasted potato slices dressed with olive oil and sea salt, plus onions and cuke/tomato and mozzarella salad again. plus four peanut butter cookies each.
  14. no, they are both really calorie conscious. Of course they each drink about 20 Coors Lights at a sitting and make home-made pizza with easily four inches of cheese on it, but whatever. Anyway, i've learned to bring my own dessert, soda, activity (tomorow i'll bring needlepoint as i'm not allowed to work when the patriots are playing) and sweet treat, and caliber picked up a decent enough beer without it seeming too snotty to bring out own.
  15. tomorrow we're going to a friends house to watch football, and while they put on a nice spread, they do not believe in dessert. Mind you, i don't believe in football and yet i still show up. Anyway, i thought i'd bring me own damn dessert (and beer because they drink the crappiest beer ever.)
  16. there's a restaurant in our neighborhood where the owner is known to be a bit "explosive" and he was robbed a few times, once at shotgun point, the owner took the gun from the robber and just about beat him to death with it. Then called the cops. He was called a hero. I don't think he was robbed again.
  17. i'm thinking about making an apple pie. I made peanut butter cookies earlier. yay or nay?
  18. i think we need a picture of him holding today's newspaper.
  19. oh yeah, right. like i believe you now. i sure hope you haven't been out buying quick-lime again.
  20. hmmmm. you tell me? do you have something to share with the group?
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