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Everything posted by jenbobblehead

  1. i'm sure lawyers were involved instantly to move to ensure this footage never is seen by anyone.
  2. all those things look vaguely familiar to my own life, but i'd like to know more about "Next Career" please.
  3. fever pitch is on HBO this weekend and i'm watching it many times.
  4. if we could get a picture of someone's mom eating the entire RTT, that would be awesome.
  5. Have you had the chickenpox? 84%-----Yes, as a child 5%------ Yes, as an adult 10%------No, never have
  6. something tells me that this isn't the new random thread.
  7. i still can't figure out port forwarding.
  8. the little cats' eyes like river stone washing away the box how can they pee so much?
  9. rain here. bacon and eggs on the gas range. the english muffins aren't split. where's the butter?
  10. pathetic is more like it. meant in a nice way, of course.
  11. bad dogs and kitties unite to wish you the happiest of birthdays! yahoo!
  12. yay! high five for cold! sweaters and flannel pjs and a blanket on the bed!!!111!
  13. 17 usernames were listed as worse than IRDB.
  14. dude, i get shit delivered to me in beautiful blue boxes wrapped like its from tiffany complete with the white ribbon and the little fancy card. i don't need any fake shit from ebay.
  15. that's a pretty big dump for someone who must be pretty small if its a "first." and actually, isn't someone's first poop kind of a mashed up thing in a diaper? i call bullshit. no, really.
  16. big papi called while we were out today to let us know he'll be back in the lineup on Saturday. he says extra big hello to sir stewart! yes! and we ran into Jason Varitek and Trot Nixon in Pawtucket and they'll be back by Monday at the latest. They might bring A-God back with them. Schweeet!
  17. that's great news. You better list your counties though, ya know, "just in case."
  18. it has been my experience the fat people are rarely jolly, regardless of the stereotype.
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