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Everything posted by jenbobblehead

  1. how can this be true? How can we just lose people? i don't understand.
  2. how could this happen? what happened? how could she have been so sick so quickly!? I dont understand!
  3. Big BIG fan of Dexter. I do love me some In Demand.
  4. i think the tension on a serger is incredibly testy and if you have one needle too tight you can really screw it up, because it will break a needle which then drops into the timing of the machine. That happened with my regular Janome machine and it was $140 to fix!
  5. well, there's nothing to see because it is down. but i can post it: Spice O Rama (not really what it is called)
  6. most spices are vegan and organic anyway, but you never know who is added chicken bullion for flavor, you know?
  7. dear spice people: do not forget that Cahtzee and Mr. Cahtzee have their own spice blending biz so if you need some organic vegan spices, let me know. i think their website is down right now.
  8. What? No complaining about how Bill B doesn't deserve to be AP Coach of the year? Where the hell is Bobboboboobobobbbbobob?
  9. i hope you will write up some reviews. those bars looked pretty inneresting.
  10. that is not going to be our address much longer. I will PM everyone our new address in VA starting in March. Merry Christmas!
  11. The Brother Kite is not listed on there, but I got an email from the band saying they would be there.
  12. i seem to remember having a pretty good hot dog there.
  13. i am in VA after the end of Feb. But if i'm not working i can probably come up.
  14. what's the story with extra innings this year? is this going to be another clusterf*ck with cable vs satellite or what?
  15. I liked TDWP. I liked the soundtrack of Elizabethtown better than the actual film.
  16. Chicago in April Cincy in June Outer Banks at some point in the late summer Hopefully Hawaii in Nov/Dec.
  17. my best girlfriend has MS, is going blind quite rapidly and is trying to hard to get pregnant before she is completely blind. Can you put in a little note for her? Her name is Kari. Thanks.
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