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Everything posted by radiokills

  1. people on this forum have done crack/meth and heroine? shadyyyy
  2. theyre talking on PHISH boards? my worst nightmare has come true
  3. i heard wilcos scheduling a show at giants stadium.
  4. im loving trees outside the academy
  5. yay! finally! someone who wouldnt go gay for radiohead!
  6. basically go through their discography if you really want to get into them. thats what i did. Evol and Sister (pre-Daydream) are my 2 favorite SY albums. Daydream is a good place to start though.
  7. whoa! you employed sky blue sky lyrics in your message! !
  8. which wilco songs contain the most emotional value to you? for me its IATTBYH, poor places, and ALTWYS. especially live when jeffs guitar comes in and the crowd cheers, i get goosebumps. and obviously the solo contains a ton of emotion. anyways, discuss
  9. i dont think any of the songs on YHF are overrated, except maybe HMD. but the majority of wilco songs are great, so it doesnt really matter.
  10. M83 shoegaze? theyre one of my all time favorite bands, but i definetly do not consider them to be shoegaze. electronica, ambient, indie i guess, but not shoegaze. and for other shoegaze recomendations outside of MBV, try Boy in Static, Slowdive, The Jesus & Mary Chain, Cocteau Twins, and Boards of Canada.
  11. if they dont rush out of this i will take my own life. their next album will be totally punk
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