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Everything posted by radiokills

  1. my grandparents live in nebraska and i usually dread going out there to see them, but now...YAY
  2. is that even a question? pit, easily. i dont think it counts as a legitimate concert if ur sitting down removed from the stage.
  3. yeah i heard its easily my favorite show. the girl friends episode a few weeks ago was amazing. "oh look, bret is feeling lisa's breast. it looks like shes responding to that quite...positively." i lol'd so hard
  4. its in regards to the military saying "Roger Wilco," right?
  5. ahhh the love. guess i deserved that one, given the complete absurdity of my comment. thanks
  6. is there a barrier between the stage and the people? this makes me sad, i liked to get up right next to jeff, now i cant i guess
  7. did anyone else go? despite the rain, it was a great show, even though it wasnt that long of a set. discuss
  8. why is the title in caps? it looks like someone died.
  9. its so-so. obviously the actual live experience cant compare to a recording, but i have collected a few other live recordings and i feel that the few i have capture the "wilco live" spirit much better.
  10. thats the perfect size for a wilco gig :
  11. radiokills


    ok i have a few questions for wilco fans not from the US, or anyone else that would know basically, i travel abroad a good amount, and have been in europe when wilco is touring there as well. i was wondering if wilco has the same amount of popularity in foreign countries as it does in the US. [/retarded question] i have also been wanting to catch a wilco show abroadfor a while now but havent gotten around to it. lately, i havent wanted to go to wilco shows in the us, because the size of venue that wilco is playing is gradually increasing, due to their increasing popularity, and obviousl
  12. where are some previous entries? theyd be interesting to see.
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