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Everything posted by boywiththorninside

  1. Thanks for posting the Tribune article. The point that resonated with me was the difference between licensing a song that is already a "classic" and introducing the song to the public by way of an ad. I might roll my eyes if Wilco sold a YHF or Being There song to a commercial, but I don't think I would be whining about the ads compromising my personal experience with the music. With the older Wilco material I've already formed associations with the music that an ad could not change. However, with Sky Blue Sky still new to me, the only association I've been able to form is with the ad. As o
  2. Daniel Johnston wrote True Love...
  3. At My Window Sad and Lonely - the solo acoustic version
  4. I apologize for diverting the thread, but what happened to Let It Be on DVD? I thought it was supposed to be released by now.
  5. Miles' funky ex, Betty Davis Carol Kaye (bass on Pet Sounds)
  6. Hunter Davies' authorized biography from 1968 is interesting because it is written without the benefit of hindsight, but, at the same time, it's obviously not the complete story. If there is a revised edition, I'd seek that out.
  7. "The Seeker" by the Who - Bobby Dylan, The Beatles Another Jens Lekman song, "Maple Leaves," name drops Mark E. Smith
  8. I've admitted as much. I stated this is my issue. Yes, I'm being selfish. Sorry. Who hasn't ever been? These things are subjective. The ads don't compromise the album for you. That's fine. It does for me. I'm comfortable having different opinions about this. Perhaps, to be accurate, I should say the ads compromise my experience with the album. Again, this is my issue, but I thought I was clear I recognized that. I did like Sky Blue Sky too, save for Shake it Off. Hell, I got tickets to see them later this month. I'm definitely going, and I'm sure I'll be won over in an instant. I'm so
  9. Each time I try to get out...they pull me back in. This post got to me, and not in a necessarily bad way. I'll start with where I disagree. When has getting paid for a television commercial become the great reward for a musician? And has Tweedy's career really been without reward before the VW ads? I don't think so. He sells albums, sells out most of the many shows he gets to play, and, perhaps most importantly, has a loyal fan base most could only dream of. I disagree with the fan base on this one issue, but I genuinely respect the loyalty that has been shown to Tweedy throughout this som
  10. "Rock Show" by Paul McCartney/Wings mentions Jimmy Page Belle and Sebastian mention Dylan in "Like Dylan in the Movie" My favorite I can think of right now though is "Cold Swedish Winter" by Jens Lekman: "When people think of Sweden I think they have the wrong idea like Cliff Richards who thought it was just porn and gonorrhea And Lou Reed said in the film "Blue in the face" that compared to New York City Sweden was a scary place They seem to have a point after meeting with this girl maybe not Cliff Richards but Lou has surely met her The doubt in her eyes when I said
  11. Now playing the song that features "stop shopping...stop buying things" lyrics. Can't help but think that is an attempt to needle those bothered by the ads. Good stuff.
  12. The question of expanding the audience is an interesting one. What is the answer? When Wilco happens to get a bad review, I often see people comment, "I'm glad they got a bad review. This means less people at their shows. Easier for me to get tickets, etc." However, when they do a commercial, the consensus seems to be, "Great! A wonderful opportunity for a new audience." I've been confused by this incongruity. Selfishly, I would put myself in the former group. I like being able to get tickets to shows.
  13. You're surely right. You are a man or woman of reason. I need to lighten up. It's just I like having my illusions. We all need them, you know.
  14. You need to cut those who are upset by the ads a break. There is a grieving process we are going through. Nickerson seems to still be somewhere between stage 2 and 3 - anger and bargaining. However, soon he will be where I am: depressed, but moving towards acceptance (stages 4 and 5). My last word on the thing before I truly embrace acceptance is to tell a story. Please indulge me. Last year in an Entertainment Law class I had the misfortune of taking, I got into it with my professor about artistic integrity. My professor, in advancing an argument in favor of stringent copyright laws,
  15. I don't mean to sound dramatic, but Wilco...in an AMC commercial...there is no God. Seriously though, they are really in overdrive trying to sell some discs. Does Col. Tony Margherita have a gambling problem? What's the sudden need to sell, sell, sell?
  16. I just held the Sky Blue Sky album cover up to a mirror. Some of the birds form a VW symbol, while others seem to spell "Fahrfenugen."
  17. Perhaps. It's not a bad argument. After all, the Wilcoworld release did say the ads are an attempt to move units. The thing is I don't think the ads identify Wilco as the group responsible for the accompanying music. Thus, how are people who turn to TV ads to guide them in their music purchases going to know it is Wilco they want to buy? I guess they'll be forced to resort to Googling "music and VW ad." Unfortunately, they'll then probably wind up buying Nick Drake instead of Wilco. These ads, I tell you, are really a lose/lose situation.
  18. Did anyone attend the Tweedy/Lessig talk about file-sharing at the NY Public Library back in 2005? I missed it, but just re-read the NY Times article about it: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/09/arts/mus...bb2&ei=5070 Some choice quotes/excerpts: "I don't think anybody should make any money on music," Mr. Tweedy said at one point, only half joking. "Maybe we would pay audiences." (Is this a typo? Is it supposed to be should pay?) It is a curious sight when a rock star appears before his flock and suggests they take his work without paying for it, and even encourages them to. M
  19. It's been mentioned. Per Volkswagen, Sky Blue Sky is the soundtrack to their new marketing campaign. Awesome. Stop shopping, even Stop buying things I'm kickin' Yeah, I'm calm Oh, I'm kickin' Television Television
  20. I don't know if this has been up before, but BrooklynVegan posted Volkswagen's press release about the ads. Here it is: VW and Wilco create music and advertising first 1 Jun 2007: In a new form of music/promotion/communications, the band Wilco's recently released album Sky Blue Sky is the soundtrack to Volkswagen's latest TV campaign. This new form of marketing collaboration has the creative forces of Wilco and VW combining to launch both an album and a VW campaign in the same week (May 22nd). The partnership spans multiple commercials and multiple songs, with the first song being "The Th
  21. I apologize, but I couldn't copy the text of the review. They gave it an A-. Click for the full review. (or if I did this wrong, copy and paste) http://www.avclub.com/content/music/wilco
  22. Wasn't an upcoming Paste supposed to have a feature on Tweedy where he discusses meeting Bob Dylan? This hasn't surfaced yet, has it?
  23. Good song. Thanks for posting it.
  24. I imagine the album was entitled "Love and Theft" for a reason. I would be bothered by Dylan's appropriation if he wasn't so honest about it. The title of the record is his acknowledgment/admission.
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