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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. you dont agree? Who would be stupid enough to use steriods right now? Dont you think steriod use has gone down?
  2. Just giving you a hard time after an incredible game. Time will tell.
  3. I think will all the hatred and embarrasement in public about steriod use in baseball, this will deter young players from making the wrong decision. The consequences of getting caught just isnt worth it. Thats what all this does. As overly done as it is, it is doing good.
  4. I know 100% he used. Just like I know 100% OJ was guilty even though he wasnt proven so.
  5. Check out yourmusic.com, not the best selection but new cds for only 6.99. I used it to stock up on Dylan SACDs.
  6. Your assumption is that if they dont get caught then they arent using it. This is ok moving foward now that all this happened and there is solid testing and enforcements. But all the years that passed by with widespread usage is there where the line was pretty much non-existent. Too much to go back and try to sort it out. In my mind McGwire is just as guilty as Bonds, where's McGwire's headlines? Maybe he was more careful, maybe he was more liked, does that excuse him? Hard to draw that line of fairness.
  7. I think if MLB tried hard enough, they could prove McGwire and Sosa guilty. Because they are. I do believe this whole thing in the long run is good for baseball and shouldve done this long ago.
  8. You are really saying is that the line is if a player gets caught using drugs not that they chose to use drugs. But I understand where you are coming from. I just think the drug use in baseball was a lot more widespread than you. To me, its effect in baseball is immeasurable. I somewhat believe its more of an attack on Bonds than trying to clean up baseball.
  9. I guess thats where we disagree. No line can be drawn. I dont think getting caught should be what determines who keeps their records. Cause that means if you are cunning enough not to get caught using drugs, you are safe. I understand if you get caught you should pay. If bonds does get convicted he should get whatever punishment. My thing is why do they even keep going after this like they can fix what happened. Baseball is not clean and it wasnt that clean to begin with. I just accept that steriods was a sign of the times with baseball around this time and note that and move on. I
  10. There is no way to draw the line in baseball and steriods. Why try? If you want to be completely fair, maybe the accomplishments in baseball for the last 5 years should not exist. Its all tainted. I think if Bonds was a more likeable guy in general, none of this will be happening.
  11. Yeah, I dont really care that he used steriods and I know he did. Everyone knows he did. He is still HOF, same with Rose. Just let it go. Steriods was a part of baseball in the past decade, not just Barry. There is good from this though. The public humilation that is happening is a warning to any future player to never use steriods.
  12. I never had a fried turkey, sounds super yummy. I did have a wild turkey, it was great.
  13. I try to stay healthy and eat alot of those items too. I do like the Boca burger, but like Analogman said it taste nothing like meat, just in the shape of a burger. I love meat though. Maybe one day I'll be a vegetarian, but I think it will come naturally if I do. hmmm, cant see it happening soon.
  14. Yeah. I understand if certain fake meat items taste good then eat it. But some things come off like people are just sepressing a craving, like dieting. I thought vegetarianism was more natural, maybe not in all cases. Ok, back to thanksgiving.
  15. I just dont know any vegetarians that seek out meat flavored food that isnt meat. Vegetarians I know dislike meat.
  16. This could be a whole other thread. So you prevent yourself from eating something you like because its the killing of animals? What if an animal died accidentally? I guess I always thought vegetarians just naturally lost the liking of meat.
  17. No way, I thought that was a joke ad. I cant believe that's real. I really dont understand the point of those things. If you dont eat meat, why try to simulate meat? Isnt pumping meat juice into it defeating the whole purpose, but I guess I dont know what the purpose of a tofuturkey is.
  18. The whole thing sounds excellent. Very much the full all out thanksgiving offerering much more than imaginable. Even the pre-Thanksgiving gut stretcher was bonus. I just hope the rumor of stuffing made from White Castle slider isnt true, thats the only part I didnt like. Not a fan of White Castle, its like trying to work Taco Bell into a dish.
  19. Wow, that does look awesome. I just searched around to see what that was. Seems like its a greek dish and seems time comsuming to make. I must try it sometime.
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