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jw harding

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Everything posted by jw harding

  1. Music Term: Slate The voice recorded onto the beginning of a master tape to identify the tune and take, or the action of making it. Also refers to the circuit or control which allows you to slate masters. Hope that helps. Not sure why they bothered indicating that on the tracks. Who cares.
  2. A mix of MLB jams: https://saveyourface.posthaven.com/grateful-dead-mind-left-body-jam-1972-1993
  3. Always interesting to see what the Dylanologists come up with about the new material. Apparently the 3 new songs have some pretty direct references to the Egyptian Book of the Dead. I have a hard time imagining Dylan has been spending much time reading that lately, but I suppose it's possible. I think Dylan just has the ability to tap into the unconscious and has cracked some sort of linguistic code. Whatever the case, adds a fun layer to the new songs.
  4. Possible dick move would be to request a refund from the point of purchase (ticketmaster, etc.) if you are eligible. Probably would burn bridges with stubhub but f them. My understanding is they are also not giving refunds to buyers who have had events cancelled or rescheduled, instead offering them a credit.
  5. Emotional Rescue is definitely better. Disagree on the others. Saint of Me? C'mon.
  6. Maybe the best stones song since the 70's, which isn't saying much I guess. Don't care for the auto tune bullshit on Mick's vocals. Enjoy the all to brief harmonica.
  7. A singular voice who tapped into his truth and communicated it perfectly. Never been anyone that sounded like him, before or since. Hard to do justice to his greatness in words, just an approximation. The music speaks for itself. RIP Bill.
  8. Although the new 76 box set doesn't blow me away, it is better than expected. Really good sound quality brings the music to life much more than previous listens to 76. But still don't think I would pay for it.
  9. Yes, that's a good way to put it. He seems to think the assassination of JFK was a turning point that has lead to this moment. Although he has said that slavery is something that America has not been able to recover from as well.
  10. Really good. This song will drive the Dylanologists nuts. There are so many references to JFK conspiracy related stuff hidden throughout.
  11. Neil Young's first fireside chat performance from last night is up for free on https://neilyoungarchives.com/ Kinda slow loading if you've never been there before, high quality and what not.
  12. I watched the webcast and thought it sounded great. Would love to see this lineup tour more, or any incarnation with Derek, Warren, and Oteil. Chuck was nice, not sure about his vocals on Blue Sky. Would be nice to have another singer in the band, but Warren was a natural on all the songs.
  13. And here's Kenny Loggins version of FOTD that inspired the resurrected slowed down versions: Starts at 6:22: https://youtu.be/Kgf4XeQHlUA?t=382
  14. New box set is June 76. Not my favorite year but I'm sure there will be some gems. A rare GD Mission in the Rain. Don't plan on buying but will give it a listen. https://store.dead.net/special-edition-shops/june-1976/june-1976-15cd-boxed-set-1.html
  15. Yeah, I get not wanting to put filler in the middle of the show, but its weird. I guess only olds listen to cd's anymore anyhow.
  16. Seems weird there is only about 25 minutes of music on disc 2. I'm not sure I've seen that before.
  17. Since his dismissal from the Allmans, Betts has been a guest of Tedeschi Trucks Band during at least one of their Beacon runs, and sat in with the Phil & Friends lineup featuring Haynes a few times. He has no beef with either of those guys, and buried the axe with Gregg at the end. He has played with Jaimoe in recent years too. The beef was mainly with Butch, and I'd imagine there is just too much drama for him surrounding the whole Allmans thing.
  18. Feature and interview with Sarah Fulcher on Aquarium Drunkard. Sounds like a pretty interesting person, but the results on this release are mixed. Maybe not the whaling and screaming of Donna, but she get pretty repetitive, like she only had one gear. Overall she clutters things up, Jerry Band was at it's best when Jerry had room to breathe. https://aquariumdrunkard.com/2019/12/17/blanks-and-postage-like-a-road-leading-home-the-elusive-sarah-fulcher-and-the-less-elusive-jerry-garcia/
  19. That guy must really like drugs.
  20. If Duluth gets a show before San Diego, Jeff Tweedy can bite my ass.
  21. Easy to understand an aversion to Philly or Florida. San Diego makes no sense.
  22. Last San Diego show 1/22/2012. At least they're consistent.
  23. The recent show I saw was real fun. But listening back to it now, and it is slower than I recall. I think being in Bob's presence and hearing/singing those classic songs has a hypnotic effect. And also, drugs.
  24. A cynical retread of an overrated and unoriginal band whose music will largely be forgotten, and remembered for a stupid sibling rivalry. At the end of each show the brothers should get in a fake fight on stage and pretend to break the band up. Seems that's what people are after.
  25. Think they watched from side stage, but that is an ongoing issue with any show Walton attends.
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