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people are leaving

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Posts posted by people are leaving

  1. i think it just blows away the first two spaceships records, but that's just me

    + 1


    will take a break from 0 to 99 and listen to mag earwhig on the way home from work tonight

    Mag Earwig = great record


    One of these days when I see through the smoke

    That'll be the day I get the joke


    edit: perhaps we should create a new thread for this.


    BS:0-99 > Cosmos x100m

  2. Listening to it for the first time and I like it so far. I need to give it more spins but I like about as much as their first record...That said, I am ordering from Rockathon now.



    Hell no I am not ordering from Rockathon - $8 shipping! Freaking insane! I'll wait for the record store to get it.


    I'm fairly certain that's incorrect. When I ordered a few others a month ago, Rich T. (webmaster) indicated bogus shipping charges were being applied to orders coming in. Maybe send him an e-mail. Check PM

  3. yeah, i was wondering if it would ever happen again


    easily his best since From a Compound Eye


    it ain't GBV, but it's way better than the last 20 records


    It's certainly the best of the (3) Boston Spaceships records. That said, it's different from the first two, but I can't quite put my finger on why that is.


    Bob did a great job sequencing this time around.

  4. I heard that Zero to 99 leaked months ago but I haven't found it yet...and I've looked everywhere.


    I ordered my copy the first day of the pre-sale, which was the same day they posted Question Girl All Right on the website. Rich T. sent out the first batch last Friday, which to my amazement arrived on Monday, two weeks before the release date.

  5. Boston Spaceships - Zero To 99


    Initial listens has revealed : :rock:


    How Wrong You Are

    Radical Amazement

    Found Obstruction Rock n Roll

    Question Girl All Right

    Let It Rest For A Little While

    (what a run of songs)


    Exploding Anthills

    The Comedian


    I've only heard it 3x and I'm already thinking it's better than Elephant Jokes

    How is that even possible ?


    The Pollardian Book of Rock - Volume 1-100

  6. The Rolling Hayseeds and Rich Kaufmann (from the hayseeds) great local alt. country band early 90's, and Kenn Kwedder, everyone should look into Ken for a wealth of great tunes, performances and personality, reporting from philly PA.n1136782025_1374694_4546.jpg


    I believe they're from your neck of the woods, but how the hell is Frog Holler doing these days ?


    I'm fairly certain I own a Rolling Hayseeds disc, I just can't remember what it is.

  7. In terms of Sparklehorse I would definatly check out 'Vivadixiesubmarinetranmissionplot'. Its a classic album.

    If I had to pick just one, it would be that. I remember hearing it for the first time years ago and being blown away. What a great listening experience.



    'Good Morning Spider' and 'Its a wonderful life' are also worth looking for.

    Dreamt for Light Years in the Belly of a Mountain is another worth checking out

  8. the last one came with a personalized Oregon postcard from Willy Vlautin, where he reminisced about a Vancouver writers festival and said it was great to hear from me again and "hope you like this one."

    .....very nice


    And the funniest part of that is the fact that so many of his songs are written kind of (or directly) postcard-style, and I could imagine exactly what he'd sound like reading the letter...

    ...couldn't agree more

  9. I'd also give Richmond Fontaine a shot if you haven't already. Willy Vlautin has a real knack for telling stories in song. It's maybe how you'd imagine Raymond Carver or Ernest Hemingway would sound if they recorded a folk album. Vlautin is actually a very good (and pretty well-published) fiction writer himself. Anyway, my faves are The Fitzgerald and Thirteen Cities.

    Nice to see some Richmond Fontaine love round these parts. The Raymond Carver comparison is dead-on. I'd like to add John Fante to the mix as well. I recently read both of Willy's novels, Northline (which comes with an instrumental soundtrack of acoustic guitar & pedal steel) & The Motel Life. His first, The Motel Life was a great read, and apparently is being made into a movie.


    The Sadies - "Tremendous Efforts" (A great American-sounding cd)


    ....so good !



    Richard Buckner - "Devotion and Doubt" (One of many great discs he's made. This one is more acoustic and dark. "Impasse" is another of his...it's more pop-sounding.)


    ....classic rick buckner. I would put this one baby step behind Since.



    Vic Chesnutt - "West of Rome" (His voice is an acquired taste, but this is first record, and maybe his best.)



    ...another good choice. I toggle between this and The Salesman & Bernadette as his best.

  11. Methamphetamine = a farrar classic, no doubt


    looking forward to the philly show tonight

    Dust of Daylight is another that will lay alongside Windfall, Tear-Stained Eye & Methamphetamine as classics from the Farrar oeuvre.

  12. Geoff Emerick/Engineer - On The Beatles In Mono - Sept 2, 2009


    Geoff Emerick was The Beatles principle recording engineer from Revolver through Abbey Road which is when The Beatles were doing their most adventurous work. Emerick was greatly responsible for the sound of those Beatles albums. When I say sound, I mean the sound - not the music. The music itself was made by The Beatles themselves with the help of George Martin on arrangements.


    Because of Emerick’s close relationship to The Beatles recordings it makes sense to listen to what he says as far as the mono mix vs. stereo mix debate. I think they are enlightening as far as making clear why The Beatles Mono Box Set is so essential for serious Beatles fans. What follows are some quotes from Emerick on The Beatles in mono.


    “Back in 1967, most people’s record players were mono; stereo was still largely the purview of high-end audiophiles. True Beatles fans would do well to avail themselves of the mono versions of Sgt. Pepper and Revolver because far more time and effort went into those mixes than into the stereo mixes.”


    “In contrast to the way they carefully oversaw the original mono mixes, the group had expressed no interest in even being present when we did the [stereo mixes of Sgt. Pepper] that’s how little thought we all gave stereo in those days.”


    “Only stereo mixes were done [for Abbey Road] (that had been the case since The White Album.)”

    The Beatles Mono Box Set


    The box set includes the original mono versions of The Beatles first 10 albums. The Beatles songs from Yellow Submarine are actually included as well (in the Mono Masters double disc set of non album tracks.) The Beatles final two albums Let It Be & Abbey Road are not included because (as Emerick’s quote above mentions) they were never mixed in mono.


    These original mono mix Beatles CDs are not available for individual purchase, only as a part of this box set. The individual CDs available are only those in stereo. So if you want to hear The Beatles as Geoff Emerick believes you should hear them you will need to Buy The Beatles Mono Box Set and then you can purchase the stereo mixes for Let It Be & Abbey Road to complete your collection (although personally I ordered the entire Stereo Box Set too as I want to hear both versions of their albums.)

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