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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. In person, it looked like any other sausage race. I am hesitant to even ask because 95% of me still believes this is a massive deception being perpetrated, but did they actually say something on TV about Wilco running?
  2. That's awesome! I hope they have their pictures taken with the racing sausages. Go Brew Crew! [quote name='bb
  3. There seems to be a fine line between regional accents and actual incorrect pronunciations.
  4. The 9th song on U2's 11th album is "Please." It contains the lyrics, "September, streets capsizing, spilling over down the drain. Shards of glass, splinters like rain, but you could only feel your own pain." U2 and the Lone Gunmen were all in on it!
  5. It was played at the last Seven Worlds Collide show in Auckland, of which a recording exists.
  6. Wait wait wait wait wait. Surely not grape jelly and onions at the same time?
  7. Haha, wasn't that Evonne's surprise request? And then afterward she said, "Thanks for giving it a go."
  8. A few of us were having fun picking out contributions of specific band members during songs, and I definitely remember a part where someone said, "I think that was Glenn." As a joke, because it was blatantly obvious. That said, of course I don't remember what was being referred to. It wasn't a drum solo or anything. I'd agree with the layering mentioned previously. There was a lot going on in some of the songs, in a good way, and I'm really eager to listen again and pick out more specifics. It's a little overwhelming to take in on first listen, with one of the album's creators sitting b
  9. Full version of Side with the Seeds: http://music-mix.ew.com/2009/04/wilcos-new-dvd.html
  10. And he handed it to you after he made his request for the last song, didn't he?
  11. Johnny - I forgot to mention that it was really cool to look through some of your work in person. I wish I'd had more time to do that. I've been waiting for the Jolly banker to chime in with a photo of this year's Jay Ryan masterpiece.
  12. This is the same thing. We just don't call it a living room show, because it's in a basement. A really awesome basement.
  13. Yeah, I guess we should have asked about Ravi when he came up during the tuning.
  14. I didn't notice any other backing vocals... You and I is a vocal sharing duet, not a vocal trading duet - if that makes sense. Somehow before we listened I'd been imagining the latter, so I was a little surprised when I asked what they'd do for Feist's parts live, and Jeff said "Not sing them?" Now I understand.
  15. For the thousandth time, man, it's all good. As people may be able to tell from our track record with this show, the recording isn't really what's important to us.
  16. I'm not sure if the soft serve/lambic sundae ever became a reality, but I know people were experimenting with chocolate stout. I walked in for part of the Wii tennis action. The cutest part was when Zander (Xander?) came downstairs during the break before album listening and asked Jeff, "Could we play Wii sports some more?" Hey, kids have priorities.
  17. I took a music class in college with Royko's ... niece? She was (is?) a local musician. That story was great.
  18. Ha, no, the Hemispheres title (and reference to Jeff being on the cover, pointing) was a joking allusion to the Rush album. And yes, I was trying to figure out why You Never Know seemed familiar, and I think it must have been because I listened to that recording of the last Auckland 7WC show. It seems that song is on the Wilco record.
  19. It was an amazing night, and I'm too tired to do it justice right now. The setlist will be forthcoming, I know. And yes, the album! (Hemispheres, with a photo of Jeff on the cover?) Still in my head are Sonny (?) Feeling, Bull Black Nova, You Never Know. In my opinion, this album does not sound like Sky Blue Sky. I can't wait to hear it again. (Those last two statements: unrelated.) I will definitely have more thoughts on this later. I also loved the singalong to "Six Months in a Leaky Boat." And "Gun." Jeff was hilarious and in fine form, as always. My mind is trying to do a
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