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Preferred B

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Everything posted by Preferred B

  1. The tour email also said that these shows would include two sets: first set would be the new album in its entirety, and the second set would be some older songs. Interesting.
  2. I loved their show on Halloween in the chapel at Wheaton College. The tour announcement did specify that this is only Phase 1 of the tour, so I'd expect another round at some point in the summer. I would have jumped on Riverside tickets, but I don't think that date is going to work for me.
  3. Matt, that last post made me really happy. Your enthusiasm for the guitars is infectious. It makes me miss my grandpa's guitar (I never could really play anyway), which my sister kidnapped a year or two ago. I've thought about getting another one - maybe an acoustic would be easier to fool around with than an electric.
  4. Thanks for the stories, guys! The little details are my favorite part of these threads. Looks like a great setlist, and I really like that Diana Sudyka poster. Wendy, is Jeff wearing a cape in that photo with you?
  5. That's not much of a tour! I would assume they'll also be out later in the summer?
  6. It is supposed to be concert footage interspersed with interview and other footage. I guess a lot if it? And Ashes made it. Hmmmm.
  7. Has she really never written another novel? This book was one of only two I knew had to be on my list when I started it earlier in the thread - but somehow I've never checked to see if she's written anything else. I thought of another, though. 3. Behind the Scenes at the Museum - Kate Atkinson I read everything Atkinson writes, but although I like her more recent output, for me nothing has matched this book. She won a Whitbread Prize for it.
  8. I saw Rhett Miller last night and he did a cover of the Cramps' "TV Set" dedicated to Lux. I never would have imagined him pulling that off solo, but it was great.
  9. According to the DVD site, the trailer will be available this Sunday (2/8).
  10. I'd have to give this more thought, but I'm pretty sure one that's been mentioned here a lot would be on my list: Life of Pi - Yann Martel Also, The God of Small Things - Arundhati Roy Stay tuned for the other 3.
  11. Thank you! Hooray for Zoran. (I can't believe these have been posted for 9 months and this is the first time someone here found them.)
  12. That's what she ... oh wait. Edit: XRT email says 10 a.m.
  13. They recorded that album in Madison, you know. ("They" being Young Fresh Fellows. Including Scott McCaughey. And "that album" being the one that includes Hillbilly Drummer Girl. Which was inexplicably on Jeff's setlist in the Sunken Treasure DVD.)
  14. People! Hillbilly Drummer Girl!
  15. I'd also add that it is never guaranteed that Jeff and Susan will do this again from one year to the next. They've been amazingly generous with their time in past years, but they are certainly not obligated to offer this particular prize.
  16. I answered this, but then realized the thread Wendy linked includes all of the information I just retyped! So:
  17. I saw Mike do a solo set of Pronto tunes a couple of weeks ago. (And took a few blurry pictures.) I know some other people around here have seen him with (an incarnation of) the whole band. I like the record a lot, and would recommend picking it up in March.
  18. Not sure yet when the official album and DVD (?) are scheduled to appear, but you can hear "Too Blue" on the recording of the 3rd Auckland show.
  19. Zion National Park in Utah. Absolutely. I was fonder of Zion Canyon than Grand Canyon, though of course Grand Canyon is amazing. Springdale is a little town with canyon on both sides. I remember eating bumbleberry pie at Wild Cat Willy's restaurant.
  20. I don't have much to add here, except that I enjoyed the show very much and it was nice to see so many familiar faces. (Matt, I think you did perfectly well relating the stories.) I, too, was thrilled about hearing "Fake Plastic Trees" - I can only dream of having seen it performed by 7WC ensemble. And it's always interesting to hear new material, but tough to get a sense from a solo acoustic performance what a song might sound like with the full band. Something to look forward to later in the year. I'd also like to give a shout out to the weather. Hey there, weather. Goodness knows
  21. Thanks for the stories, Lou. Way to represent! I wanted to go to this, and didn't realize until yesterday that it was in the late afternoon. Given that Jeff didn't come on until about 9:30, an intrepid soul could have done both.
  22. Happy birthday! I watched Highlander a couple of weeks ago and thought of you.
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