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Everything posted by CortezTheKiller

  1. This is the one "official" live album of his I go back to regularly. I don't notice any elements of "overproduction" on it.
  2. I know it's been done here before, but it bears repeating. The greatest four album run in the history of rock and roll right there.
  3. Neil Young 1960's vs. 1970's. . . Let me pull an Analogman here.
  4. It's Crazy Horse Version 2.0. Poncho for Danny. I think Ragged Glory is amazing. "Mother Earth" is okay. Everything else is vintage Horse. It's ragged (imagine that). Loose and sloppy at times. The Horse with off-key, yelling-from-the-distance harmonies. There's a live feel to the album. There's long, meandering guitar solos. It's a spontaneous effort. My only complaint with it is that "Don't Spook the Horse" wasn't included. For me, an all-time classic album. As far as the second "real Crazy Horse album" goes. . . .
  5. Not sure. The fact that I enjoy(ed) Ten Mile Grace and was primed via Aquarium Drunkard for Are Men makes me all the more ashamed I finally picked this up on January 31st.
  6. In 1988 and 1989 all I listened to was Led Zeppelin. I took an almost 20 year break from Plant, Page, Jones, and Bonham. They were a wonderful rediscovery for me in 2008.
  7. I now need to tweak my "Best of 2008" list.
  8. I get paid by a ten year old. He says he looks up to me. There's still crime in the city. But it's good to be free. I won't tear you apart. I simply disagree with how you approach Neil. At the end of the day, we both still love the man. All good. Happy New Year!
  9. The lack of chord change in "Loose Change" kills it for most folks.
  10. You don't like "Crime in the City"? I like the Horsed-up version on Weld better, but I'd still put the acoustic version above something, like, say, "Magick."
  11. I didn't include Freedom in my trio, but it's right there with them. Mirror Ball is very, very good. As is Sleeps With Angels, Silver & Gold, Living With War, and Prairie Wind. I know I'll be in the minority here, but I also love Broken Arrow. "I'm still livin' the dream we had. For me it's not over." R.I.P. David Briggs.
  12. Harvest Moon Ragged Glory Greendale All amazing albums.
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