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Everything posted by cooperissup3r

  1. yes to all of this. and when Ryan Adams is dropping 5 albums a year, most of them suck. what exactly happened? that's kind of crazy.
  2. I could see him releasing another "Blood Bank"-like EP in with some "Bon Iver, Bon Iver" castoff songs or something. Plus most bands make money from touring and licensing anyway more than actual CD sales, so they can survive two to three years without a new record by allowing these songs to be used in TV shows and stuff.
  3. there was a pfork article about him hanging out at Rick Ross's house or something with Kanye for a while in Hawaii I think. Anyway, Dylan's recording method and Justin Vernon's are quite different. Dylan would routinely just launch into the song and the players had to hold on and just play along in many instances. And the jazz guys who released 2-3 albums a year were doing that mostly out of necessity. Gotta make money somehow...and the post production wasn't even that major. It's not like they were doing lots of layering or anything.
  4. dude his falsetto is great. it's so impossibly high. ...ly suspicious. yes i just did that.
  5. I don't understand how you can't like Highly Suspicious.
  6. ah ok. that's what i thought you were getting at. have you heard any more of it, or is this the first stuff you've heard too?
  7. the album is going to be untitled?
  8. one of the few bands I REALLY wish I had been alive to see.
  9. this is the best record i've heard in 2011. I had medium expectations for it, and it's blown me away.
  10. RAA's lead singer's voice is really bad live.
  11. i've listened to the record three or four times, and was never struck much by it. I love his work with Nick Drake, though.
  12. enjoying this way more than my first few spins. go arcade fire, go!
  13. it's okay. i don't think i'll ever gush over anything radiohead does. their music makes me feel claustrophobic and it always sounds so ...depressingly futuristic, i guess. like, if all those horrible visions of the future in 1980s sci-fi movies came true, the music would sound like this. and that's depressing as fuck.
  14. his music videos are definitely better ...mostly because they're usually around 4 minutes long.
  15. A Skin, A Night is weird. I wasn't sure what to make of it...I enjoyed it more than most, but it still isn't very good.
  16. i just think the way they chose to almost totally drop the guitars during the chorus was/is a weird choice. The song felt like it kept stopping/starting, which is totally unlike the album version.
  17. yes i thought the first record was good, but not spectacular (especially considering all the great music from 2008).
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