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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. [quote name=mpolak21" post="1527528" time="1371082266"] I'm thinking way too much about this. Are you high?
  2. All of the extended forecasts I'm seeing look good--low 80's and little chance of rain Friday and Saturday, with maybe early morning thunderstorms on Sunday. Things could certainly change between now and then, but I'd say this looks very hopeful. As to humidity, it's a lot less humid in the Berkshires than in Florida, even at the same air temperature.
  3. It's a little early still for a weekend weather forecast since most of them just go 10 days out. But I did find one site that gave a general forecast week by week for the month. Not too trustworthy this far out, but looking good so far! JUNE 2013: temperature 65° (avg.); precipitation 3.5" (avg.); Jun 1-4: T-storms, then sunny, cool; Jun 5-9: T-storms, warm; Jun 10-21: Showers, cool; Jun 22-25: Sunny, hot; Jun 26-30: Scattered t-storms, cool.
  4. Wow, lots of my favorites in there. Hope it was a magical night for everyond !
  5. Woohoo! Marquee Moon was my request, and I asked all my friends to vote for it. Of course, it may not have been ALL my doing, but I'm taking credit for it!
  6. Oh no! Man, I so hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
  7. Re all the Abba crap: http://viachicago.org/topic/48883-a-song-for-lotti/
  8. Here's a very cool video from Mavis, featuring Jeff and Spencer and the Loft!
  9. Maybe he didn't get a press pass and wants to be really sure he snags a prime position on the rail.
  10. I like that. That's very purist and throwback, but in a good way.
  11. Since I'll be driving up, I figured I'd get a start on the VC table decorations, etc. So I paid a visit to Party City today and got 100 nametags, some sparkly garland to wrap around the edges of our sign (still to be made) and 3 big bags of multi-color metallic confetti, suitable for tossing in the air at the mention of Abba. We can split up the confetti into a bunch of little bags, which will be an inducement for you shy, reticent people to emerge from your shells and come check in before the show to pick up your supplies. I'll bring some sharpies, too. Who knows? Maybe our sparkly little
  12. I don't think the floor in front of Nels would be a safe place to be. He might miss his pedalboard when he's spazzing out during a solo, and I wouldn't want to be in the direct path of all that energy.
  13. See what happens when you get girls involved? Easily 3/4 of Wilco fans are men, but it's the girls who take the bull by the horns and actually organize somethin'.
  14. After the fiasco of trying to schedule a VC meetup the first year (I'm still stinging from all the planning that went awry when the restaurant screwed up our reservation and we all ended up scattering around wherever we could find a place that could seat us), I'm going to suggest we just commandeer a table at the outside bar/restaurant there on the grounds at Mass MoCA--the one overlooking one of the courtyard stages. I think that kinda sorta worked in 2011, if I recall correctly. I do remember that were some folks who were shy about approaching the table where all these people seemed to know
  15. I hope you're kidding about Impossible Germany. That's throwing away your request for sure, since I can't imagine a scenario where they WOULDN'T play that song. I don't know whether you golden ticket winners will submit your request ahead of time or just throw them at the band on the spot, but I'm sure they'll be able to do Pieholden, and just look how many of us are excited about hearing it live. I hope you're able to keep to that request--selfishly, I suppose. Just FYI, that's what I did in 2011, only in our case it was 4 people in the room, none of whom knew each other before that w
  16. I love the horns too. But at the recent Tweedy living room show, Jeff told us that the "saxophone" part on Capitol City was really Nels on guitar (!), so it wouldn't surprise me to find they could recreate horns all by themselves!
  17. Oh, what a great choice! I put that in as a request all the time and I don't think I've ever heard them play it at a show I've been to. That's very exciting for me personally. Stick to your guns!
  18. Yes, in the interview she specifically says he's at the Cleveland Clinic. She said they've got the best track record for this type of procedure.
  19. Wait, laundrymachinedream and nalafej, are you guys saying you both got golden tickets???
  20. Wow, a liver transplant is really serious business. I'm very sad to read this news about one of my big musical favorites, for a long time--though, I agree, not anything too recent. I hope he recovers as much as possible. Laurie Anderson is certainly not afraid to make some provocative remarks about hospitals, technology and Lou's general prognosis, either.
  21. I'd love to know whether any or all of the golden ticket winners were already planning to go to Solid Sound. My guess is that most would have been, because if they're already aware of Wilco and live within reasonable driving distance and were willing to spend $7-$9 on a chocolate bar, you'd think the festival would have already been on their radar. But that's just a guess. It'd be interesting to know.
  22. The only thing that could have improved these was more goat.
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