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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Interesting--I wonder what happened. Was there any memorable between song banter? Did they seem put off by anything in particular? Was the audience seated for most or all of the show?
  2. Virginia. Same as North Carolina, except it's the Blue Ridge Mountains to Virginia Beach, with the lovely gem of Charlottesville and Mr. Jefferson's legacy in the gently rolling hills of the Piedmont. Plus the southern suburbs of DC.
  3. http://www.examiner.com/article/uncle-tupelo-to-re-unite-for-summer-2013-tour?fb_action_ids=10200431784970378&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%2210200431784970378%22%3A594005577277404%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210200431784970378%22%3A%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D
  4. Here's a link to a nice review from someone who doesn't sound like a diehard but obviously came away a fan. No need to point out all the name misspellings--it still seems heartfelt. http://vulturemagazine.com.au/gig-review-wilco-hamer-hall/
  5. Totally agree with Mr. Heartbreak on this one. I have no problem with artists who express their political or religious opinions, onstage or offstage. They are entitled to use their prominence as a platform for whatever issues or ideas they want to espouse. And we, as patrons and fans, can choose to embrace them, reject them, or remain neutral. We beat this dead horse into the ground in another thread. I think the problem comes in when we experience cognitive dissonance. If I loved Ted Nugent's music, I'd have to make a choice whether I wanted to support him because his ideas are hateful to
  6. I will happily play Sancho Panza to your Don(na) Quixote. (P.S., Happy Easter!)
  7. I saw Spring Breakers Friday night and can't stop raving about it. I went almost reluctantly because I hated Gummo so much, and I've actively avoided seeing any of Korine's more recent movies. But I saw a couple of reviews that made me think I should give this one a chance, and boy am I glad I did. I agree with everything you said about the merits of the film, but like Tarantino, I don't think Korine had any intention to deliver a message or present a cautionary tale. In fact, the movie it most reminded me of was Django Unchained. From the very first frame of both movies, I didn't look for--or
  8. I don't think being old per se means you're homophobic, but I certainly think our ideas of what is culturally acceptable have changed a lot over time. I'm old enough to remember laughing at jokes that would be shockingly offensive to me now. It's like so many things--the culture has evolved over time as we've had our collective consciousness raised. I remember segregated restaurants, I remember prominent law schools that accepted only men, I remember a timekeeping form that was used in my first job that had a line for "girl work." And I definitely remember thinking that "queers" were that way
  9. Bump. I'm going to call and cancel this today. PM me before noon if you want the reservation.
  10. Including Baltimore. Which I was hoping to make, but I didn't get on in time. I was going purely based on the strength of your recommendations, plus others here, bolstered by some Spotify listening. I wish they were doing a waitlist or had some way of alerting you if something opens up.
  11. I've never liked anything about the Eagles, and their history of egregious ticket prices is just one of many reasons why. I'm particularly hating on them right now because one of my heroes, Randy Newman, is being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by Don Fucking Henley. Good lord!
  12. Still looking for a hotel for solid sound? It looks like I made a reservation at Maple Terrace that I forgot about. The hotel just emailed me asking me to prepay in full by April 15--a total of approx. $820 for 4 nights, 6/20-6/24. The room has 2 double beds. This is a nice motel in Williamstown about 4 miles from Mass MoCA. I've already booked at another hotel. I could just cancel this reservation without penalty but before I did that I thought I'd see if anyone here wants it. PM me if interested. If no one contacts me by Thursday I'll just cancel.
  13. I'm glad you're such a good researcher! This interview in particular was excellent. What a self aware statement Jeff makes about rebelling against being an arrested development adolescent. Love that!
  14. I believe you forgot the Log Cabin whiskey to go with those double doubles. Or was that an intentional omission?
  15. I think if you do a little searching on youtube you'll notice that those rules are more honored in the breach than the observance. I'm torn about this issue. I almost never record anything because I suck at it and because I'm usually up front and don't want to be THAT obvious. I guess if forced to weigh in one way or another, I would say one shouldn't do it. However, if I really thought it was horrible I wouldn't be out there on youtube checking out those videos that other people recorded. So I can't be too judgmental. I think it's a line drawing thing--be respectful of the artist and your f
  16. The auction closed on March 13 and the winning bid was $50,250.
  17. She's had a history of instability. I saw her at Newport Folk Festival many years ago--probably late 90's-early 2000's--and her set was very erratic. She showed up late and went off on long winding tangents. It seemed like the other musicians on the stage kept trying to prod her back on point again by starting up the music, and she would start playing again but then stop and start back on the rants. There was a lot of head scratching in the audience as well as on stage. As far as I could tell at that point, though, it wasn't anything hateful or political, just random peace and love stuff.
  18. Yeah, that leapt off the page at me too. I thought by now someone would have corrected the online version of the article but no, it's still there.
  19. It's in limited release now. I saw it at a local theater that specializes in independent and foreign films, but it just played for three showings over a weekend. Obviously, it's not going to have broad mainstream appeal, but I'm sure you'd enjoy it. It premiered at this year's Sundance, I think. I assume it will be on DVD before long.
  20. Yes he was and so were you and so were all the rest of the crazy line buddies. All the stars aligned to make this a memorable couple of days!
  21. That's a good point about one of the sad but true benefits of being way up front. I wasn't aware of cellphones and cameras (i did get the gold tickets) so there's no annoying distraction between you and the artist. I agree, though, that we ought to self police better. Maybe Jeff can help us out by starting to call out the offenders like he used to. Maybe he's just thrown in the towel on this issue?
  22. Jeff is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
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