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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Has anybody seen This Is The End-Seth Rogan, James Franco and the rest of the Apatow crew? Honest to God, that was one of the laugh out loud funniest movies I have ever seen! It was also one of the stonedest movies I've ever seen--not in a Harold and Kumar way, but just the entire sensibility of the movie. Go! You'll thank me.
  2. Just saw something on Low's Facebook page about a collaboration? Details, please.
  3. You might try calling the venue itself and see if you can speak with the manager. I did that for the Va. Beach venue and the manager was extremely helpful--she's my new BFF.
  4. Just brilliant writing. The very best satire is sly and close to the edge like that.
  5. That is hilarious!! (The definition inside the quote, which apparently I don't know how to quote properly)!
  6. It's on my to do list but that's a long list right now. From what I know of the subject, Sofia Coppola's dreamy style should be a good fit. I'm a little worried that it will cause uncomfortable twitches in me, since I have some tendencies toward label-obsessed clotheshorse and shoe whore. In recovery now due to financial limitations, but just put me in a luxury store and whoa Nellie! I still haven't gotten to This is the End or Mud, and I'm waiting with bated breath for Frances Ha, but I did finally get to Before Midnight and it was everything I wanted it to be. Can't wait for another 9 yea
  7. And of course also at Solid Sound. A first for me too, without Red-Eyed and Blue to lead in.
  8. Just musing on what kind of collaboration there might be with Wilco when Ryan Bingham joins the tour. Also, it looks like Wilco has repurposed some of the covers from the first night of Solid Sound for this tour. I wonder what other ones they might bust out and which ones would be a natural fit for Ryan Bingham. Any thoughts from anyone who knows his music more than I do?
  9. I was planning to go to just Virginia Beach because it's such a luxury to actually have Wilco in MY town, but after reading all these setlists and hearing about the collaborations, I decided to add MPP the day before as well. Thanks to a Wilco friend with a couple of spares, we were able to get great seats in the second row, center section. (I already had pit tickets for Va. Beach.) Really excited now for both days. The only downside is we get Ryan Bingham for both shows--I don't know his music well, but I LOVE Richard Thompson.
  10. I found that statement from Jeff unbelievably candid, self-aware, and confident, as well as extremely poignant.
  11. It's starting to look like I may need to pony up that $5. But I'm still holding out a little hope.
  12. Oh boy, what a bummer! You did not deserve that, Jesse. After all you've done for this community, karma should have taken better care of you and your daughter. On a related note, I think that's why I'm always so focused on getting close to the rail at shows, particularly outdoor venues. A big part of it is just wanting to be close to the stage, yes, but also you just don't usually get many talkers up front. You get shoved around and elbowed and stepped on, but at least most people are paying attention to the show.
  13. I don't remember seeing this posted before, but Tommy Stinson was on Marc Maron's podcast recently. It was a really enjoyable, loose interview that ran for the better part of an hour. It's free via iTunes, etc.
  14. I really like the idea of a roped off area at the front (Joe's Field only) where no blankets or chairs are allowed. Perhaps they could even charge a small premium for access to that area. I would make an exception for HowdaSeats and the like--the ones that are basically two lightly padded squares with adjustable straps on the side and that sit directly on the ground, since they really take up no more room than the actual person and can be rolled or folded up easily when the show starts. I think this could work really nicely. Behind the roped-off area, blankets could be allowed as well as sma
  15. Hope you get a Dylan collaboration and I get my $5!!! Seriously, have a great time.
  16. Wow, that keeps Glenn out of the picture for 10/3-11/22, except for a couple of weeklong breaks scattered in there. So I guess we can assume no Wilco touring during that period. Maybe they'll be in the Loft working on new material, maybe with young Spencer filling in for Glenn during rehearsals?
  17. It's funny--I watched the Blisters set at Solid Sound with the 18-year-old daughter of my friend. She enjoyed it and thought Spencer was cute but she said "He's really got to do something about that squinched face when he plays." It's true-he's good and his moves are very fluid, but he looks like he's concentrating really, really hard. The kid takes this seriously! Their set was very well received, by the way.
  18. I've been known to make reckless wagers before so I won't do that here, but I'll definitely bet you $5 that some of the other artists join him as the tour goes along. I'm sure we'll see each other out there on the road sometime where you (or I) could collect our winnings!
  19. So other than Weir joining Wilco on Ripple and California Stars, were there any other collaborations? Particularly, did anyone else join Bob during either his main set or encores?
  20. We were there! With a big sparkly sign that I made personally. And JCamp came over and talked with us, as did a few others. We got there about 4:15 on Friday and stuck around in the courtyard cafe for at least an hour and a half, maybe a bit longer. We didn't have any good way of putting the sign up in the air so it was just sitting on the table, glittering. Sorry to have missed you!
  21. I know what you're saying. I've seen him many times over the years and it's never been what I would call a satisfying show. I know people who claim to have seen great Dylan shows, but they certainly got luckier than me. For that reason, I wouldn't travel far to see him or go to multiple shows on a tour, and I've even passed on seeing him at very convenient venues for reasonable prices. So it's not like I would go to this festival expecting to see a great Dylan set. But I sure wouldn't go to see all the inheritors of his legacy and leave before he took the stage. And I don't think I've ever pai
  22. I know everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but really? This is BOB DYLAN we're talking about. Everyone on the bill owes him a debt of gratitude for practically inventing the category. I think all the performers would acknowledge that he's the master. Yes, he's lost his voice, and yes, he doesn't kowtow to audience expectations, but dammit, it's downright gallant how he's out there performing constantly. He's a troubador and a legend and a genius. I can't imagine going to this festival and not bowing down to him.
  23. Damn, Wilco knows how to put a setlist together, don't they? Look at the progression of those songs--they just take you on the exact journey they want to. Starting out kind of mellow and pretty, moving into challenging, thrilling stuff, then the one-two showcase punch of Spiders and Impossible Germany, transitioning with Born Alone, then the anthemic songs with Bob Weir, then knocking everybody's socks off with the WTF moments in Via Chicago, and finishing strong with great new songs and ITMWLY. Whew! It's a short setlist but a powerful one. For an audience that may or may not come in as fans,
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