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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Really? I've watched that DVD too many times to count, and I don't remember that footage at all. Was it on some extras or easter eggs?
  2. Hoo boy, we've got some catching up to do. I'm glad Facebook and other online forums were around to keep us obsessives informed, but there's nothing like good ol' VC. So welcome back, gorgeous!!
  3. Aw c'mon lost highway, you know you wanna do this! And everyone around you will be impressed while they watch you write down the song names. I was doing it very (I thought) discreetly at the Virginia Beach show, and 3 separate people around me asked me if I was a writer or connected with the band. It's a good way to instantly become an international man of mystery!
  4. The mystery song might be "Give Back the Key to My Heart." That was played at the show--a YouTube video was posted in the Just a Fan thread. I'm reposting here. Oh, and Solitaire? That's a surprise--can't remember the last time they played that one.
  5. I got nuthin. I just can't stand to not see at least a thread title--waiting for someone who was there to post!
  6. Fantastic video of Give Back the Key to My Heart. The same youtuber put this up--MMJ joined by Phosporescent on the Velvets' Oh Sweet Nuthin'
  7. There's some amusement going on over on Twitter about Josh, the snake-hipped shirtless guitar tech. Margaret Cho posted a particularly fetching picture of him onstage and said "I love him! So handsome." Then John Stirratt retweeted it, and the game was on. Pretty funny stuff!
  8. You're very welcome. I just found it on YouTube this morning. What I can't believe is how Jeff remembers all those lyrics. Wonder if he had a cheat sheet at his feet?
  9. And here's the proof! http://youtu.be/KQ_66YstKMI
  10. It's got to vary by venue, 'cause I can tell you nobody would have gotten away with this at the Va. Beach show. Then again, Dylan wasn't onstage yet, and that's when the security got really insane. There's a special place in my heart for whoever shot this gem.
  11. Thanks to shug, imsjry and choo choo for your responses. As I said, my exposure to MMJ is limited and since they don't yet really move me, I can believe that my comparison to Flaming Lips and Phish is superfical and doesn't hold up to scrutiny. (But damn, when that idea came to me I was proud of myself--I thought I had hit on the perfect description and was patting myself on the back for my musical acuity!)The thing is, I kinda like both Flaming Lips and Phish, and just to be clear, I really didn't mean the comparison to a jamband as an insult. I just meant that their music seemed somewhat imp
  12. I am pretty new to My Morning Jacket, having just seen them 2 nights in a row at Merriweather Post and Virginia Beach on the Americanarama tour. I had listened to a fair amount of their music prior to the shows to try to get more familiar with them so I'd enjoy it. My impression was that they're a solid jamband with a hell of a frontman with the voice of an angel. However, I just didn't love it, and I honestly tried. Then I started thinking about other artists that some people are passionate about that I respect but don't love, and it struck me that MMJ is like a blend of Phish and the Flami
  13. They did the same thing at some other big festival last year. Coachella?
  14. Man oh man, let's hear it for my crappy hometown! I was seriously embarassed at the light turnout, and I figured the bands could either say "oh, shitty venue, place is half empty, let's phone it in tonight" or "fuck the crappy town and venue, let's shoot for the rafters" and that's what they did tonight. I am still ecstatic!! I was right on the rail, directly in front of Jeff, all night, and I couldn't believe I lucky I was to have that fantastic vantage point to see the joy on his face during "The Weight."
  15. Bbop, where are you? I thought I might have to do the honors tonight-didn't see you
  16. I really feared for ticker sales in VA Beach. It's off the beaten track and with not a great demographic. I say that as a native. Hope they all see it as a cchallenge.
  17. Agree! Those are my two favorites as well. I've heard a couple of interviews with him--he seemed like a down to earth good guy.
  18. A crazy thought just came to me, based on some of the special guests and covers on this tour. Pharrell Williams lives in Virgnia Beach. Wilco covered Get Lucky at Solid Sound. Discuss.
  19. dvigs24, that was a fantastic writeup. You really conveyed what it felt like to be there. I'm hoping to have exactly your vantage point in 5 days. I had no idea what to expect with Ryan Bingham--I had figured it would be just him, not a band. And really cool to feel your enthusiasm for seeing Bob, Jeff and Jim up there together. I'm not quite there with you on Jim--yet--but I'm open to being converted. Thanks so much for taking the time to write such a personal account.
  20. Cars Can't Escape and Radio Cure in one abbreviated set list? Holy shit!
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