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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. Going to see Sigur Ros tonight right here in lil' ol' Norfolk. I'm going purely on the strength of other peoples' recommendations. I have almost no idea what to expect. HOWEVER, what I do expect is that this will be just a bit different from tomorrow night in Richmond, 2 hours up the road: my first time seeing Son Volt! How's that for a weird one-two punch?
  2. There are pictures. Not particularly great ones but a few I hadn't seen before. As to whether the book is worth buying, I can't imagine NOT buying it. It's less than $25, it's only the second full book written about Wilco, and we're posting on a Wilco message board here!
  3. Tonight's episode was so different from last week's heart-in-the-throat, hand-clasped-over-mouth, nonstop terror. This was heartbreaking on so many levels. Anybody got theories on where Walt went? Clearly he was telling the cops where he was by leaving the phone off the hook.
  4. Excellent pictures, as usual.You are really so talented! Willie looks timeless.
  5. Reminder that this is the last night for the auction and there are still several copies left. I got one for $51.
  6. Don't forget to set your DVRs for an extended time. 75 minutes for the last two episodes.
  7. Brilliant, thank you! ("Brilliant" is one of those proper British-isms that used to confuse me. When my British boss would say something was brilliant, I assumed he meant dazzlingly wonderful, not just good. I soon found out differently, which reduced the swelling of my head.)
  8. So other than me and Col. Hapablap, who else is reading/has read the book? I'm up to the beginning of Summerteeth now and I'm enjoying it overall. I don't think it's as satisfying as Learning How to Die, but that may have to do with my familiarity with the band when I read that book versus the nut I've now become. Also, LHTD had more direct interviews with band members, while this book is more of a compendium of previously published interviews and articles, many of which I've read already. But it's pulling things together in a linear fashion and reminding me of things I'd forgotten as well as
  9. Actually, I could imagine it, sort of the same way Wilco and MMJ "opened" for Dylan. The Replacements and Wilco would have very simpatico audiences and there could be some great collaborations. Almost like co-headliners, but I'm sure Wilco would have the later set.
  10. On Wilco's Facebook page they have a picture of Jeff and Tommy Stinson together, saying he visited the Loft during the Replacements stay in Chicago. This just got me dreaming. . . I wonder if there's any chance of a Wilco tour with the Replacements opening. Would that be a dream or what???
  11. As I think more about it, that phone call was definitely well thought out on Walt's part, and Skyler picked up on what he was doing. The abused wife, terrorized by her husband, and she played along. He was brokenhearted.
  12. So. . . that song. "Say goodbye to everything." I can't quite pull it all together, but I think Walt's apparently inexplicable cruelty to Jesse and to Skyler are part of his last shred of humanity coming through. Clearly he doesn't want anyone who's meant anything to him to have any conflicted feelings of loyalty to him. Like Scarface, he is The Bad Guy and he's owning it. He thought he had a hope of keeping things together with his family, but once he realized how completely broken his relationship was (the knife, Junior calling the cops) he did the most unforgivable things he could do. But n
  13. I ended up with one extra ticket for Santa Barbara. Left orchestra, Row D, Seat 15. It's a single seat off to the side, but it's a pretty small venue. I paid $54.25 in the presale and will sell for that amount. Ticket is being held at Will Call, but I will be at the concert and can meet you there. PM me if interested.
  14. Yes, but Thursday seems to be sold out already. May be something left for Wednesday. They set a 2-ticket limit per show. I was sweating it out.
  15. I'm so sorry for everyones' frustrations with Largo. I was a little bit frustrated myself buying tackets for Davis and Santa Barbara, but that was nothing compared to this. There has just GOT to be a better way. I hope somebody who's on the inside with the band management can convey this experience to them. I can't believe they would really intend to create such chaos among the diehard fans.
  16. That's Josh. I think his primary role in the band is as Pat's guitar tech, but he's developing quite a following as a snake-hipped, cowbell-playing sex machine on Hoodoo Voodoo. He's got the pornstar moustache for it. Seriously, that's one little piece of corny fun that I hope they don't retire anytime soon.
  17. Hey guys, I know tickets for Davis and Santa Barbara aren't supposed to go on general sale till later today, but if you follow the links from wilcoworld's shows page you can buy tickets for both now. I wasn't able to get anything great for Davis, but for Santa Barbara I pulled row A, seat 2. Sounds better than it actually is--it's about 4 rows back, right orchestra, but on the aisle directly across from center orchestra. Just in case anyone's trying for these, try jumping in now!
  18. I heard the same thing way back, but I can't think of any good reason for them to pull the plug on Solid Sound. I think it's far and away the most lucrative event Mass MoCA has on its schedule and it's been growing in popularity every year. Plus, it's good for the town of North Adams. The only constraint I can see is the size of the place--it can't get much bigger than last year, and even that was pushing it.
  19. That's an interesting point, and I was just having a similar discussion with my boss yesterday. He was saying something about Michael Vick. I don't know anything about football, but apparently his team is not doing so well? Anyway, I realize that I'm very hardline and unforgiving about things like animal abuse, and even to a lesser degree I'm unsympathetic to bullies and vandals. I find it easier to empathize with someone who commits much "worse" crimes like murder, robbery, treason, etc., when the motives are human like jealousy, rage, desperation--even selfishness. That to me is much more fo
  20. Shit, shit, shit and SHIT! I got one ticket for the Mondavi, 6th row center section--not that great, but not horrible. But I got an incredibly horrible seat for Santa Barbara, 4th row, left orchestra, all the way off to the side. These two were my priorities because they're seated venues--hopefully the Fillmore will be available on Friday. But this is NOT what I was hoping for with presale ticket selections. I'm so mad!!!
  21. I dread the heart-pounding, fingernail-chewing angst I'm sure to encounter buying tickets tomorrow. That's the worst part of the concert process, especially for seated venues or where pit tickets are an option.
  22. Well, Jeff could be mistaken for a homeless person, so just make sure you don't kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
  23. I'm pretty jealous about the Largo shows, too. I'm thinking that's where Jeff did the interview with Jeff Garlin, right? But no, I'm doing the Northern California run (Davis>SF>Santa Barbara). That should actually be awesome enough, but 4 nights in a tiny venue make me think he has something special up his sleeve for those Largo shows. Also, his brother-in-law Danny Miller lives in LA.
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