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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. This business is getting all TOO common
  2. Thank you and sorry for the loss of your brother at such a young age
  3. I feel like such a god damned heel. I totally forgot both my deceased maternal grandparents' birthdays which were last week and today. Of course, we don't celebrate them anymore, but we usually recognize them by saying something to one another. They passed away 10 years ago. I have been totally occupied with travelling and Wilco, seriously. So much going on in such a steady pattern I forgot The only reason I know at this moment is because my Mom was talking to me and is feeling kind of down and brought it up that it was her Mom's birthday today. Does this make me a bad grandchild?!? Whe
  4. I TOTALLY dig the boys, too and that was INDEED creepy!!! As for 'About A Son', I had every intention of seeing it at the theater when it came out but our plans fell through. I still would like to at some point. The only biography about Kurt that I read was 'Heavier Than Heaven', a few times actually.
  5. Maybe somewhat but not for Jeff and Pat. Jeff has his "Walken" guitar and Pat comes out front for Walken
  6. The heartthrob comment is just wrong
  7. Okay, last thing (I promise...well I'll try )... During dress rehearsal, Fred ad libbed during 'Weekend Update'. He said to Amy & Seth, "Did you catch Wilco?!? They were something. Nels Cline. Did you know that was Nels Cline?!? He played with Charlie Haden." Not verbatim, but pretty cool nonetheless. I was kind of hoping he would've done that for the live version. Oh well...
  8. Thanks! It was truly a unique experience
  9. They also do a dress rehearsal at 8p and film it just in case anything goes wrong with the live feed.
  10. Haha...it was just regular security and while nice people, they were stern and did their job well Oh, and I meant to mention, my friend and I were 2 of the last 5 people let in!!! We ended up w/ decent seats, too.
  11. Had to have been the TV mixing. Live it was INCREDIBLE!!! I thought they looked great, happy and very well-rested. The audience seem to be very open to them. Being there was a great experience! P.S. Hillary was NOT there for the dress rehearsal just Vincent and Rudy were.
  12. And I saw one where they gave Jeff a line! His line was "awkward" w/ a roll of the eyes. It was cute. It's SOOO surreal!!! And yes, he's STILL wearing his black shirt, jeans and jacket
  13. His line was "awkward" w/ a roll of the eyes. It was cute. It's SOOO surreal!!! And yes, he's STILL wearing his black shirt, jeans and jacket
  14. They gave Jeff a speaking part on that one...w00t!!!
  15. Man I know this country is based on the Bill of Rights & stuff. But I think that attitude/language is a little harsh. Damn... FYI: I don't believe in the right to bear arms either. (Other thread, I know.)
  16. The idea of Michael hosting at his own home scares me more than him hosting at the office
  17. "Take a Chance on Me" best ever!!!
  18. Oh man...I just saw a promo for the show but they weren't in it
  19. Funny that you say that, Greg. While I was in New Haven this past Sunday, I gave quite the "sermon" to some of the extremely nice staff (older set of folks, for the most part). They had a lot of questions and apparently I had all the answers and then some. At then end, they asked me if I worked for Wilco!!! Man, I wish!!! I told them if they heard of any openings while the guys were in town, to PLEASE be sure to let me know!!! It's just a dream she keep's having...
  20. VERY cool!!! Mine have named one of their's after my place of employment and the other named one of her's after one of our craZZZy ice cream flavors. Maybe something from the band will be next Oh man, it should TOTALLY be 'Walken'!!! They both DIG that one! I even get "requests" for it on the morning ride to school. They were kinda disappointed the other day when they asked for Track 10 and I told them it wasn't SBS that was in there
  21. And the "good word" keeps spreading, their soon to be appearance on a popular late night show warranted a phone call from my ex-husband's child bride to me. As many of you know, we have many, many issues (which I now keep quiet ). But I find it kinda cool how the "Religion of Wilco" can bring even the most unlikely people together They are even going to watch it themselves to see "what it's all about". And my Wilcoevangelism continues...
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