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Good Old Neon

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Everything posted by Good Old Neon

  1. Those are beautiful and very un-spider like. Now this, this is the stuff of pissed pants and nightmares....
  2. Jawbox - though, they may have been more punk than post.
  3. A-man in 5....4....3....2...
  4. There is no need to state the obvious and be all redundant and shit, your avatar makes this quite clear. I keed, I keed
  5. Please, oh please tell me the man she was sleeping with was a member of a minority group. All kidding aside, that
  6. Ugh - this is bad news. I still have the "No Depression" t-shirt that was bundled with the introductory offer....though, ahem, it's getting a little tight.
  7. One could also argue that an armed, firearm packing citizenry would result in exponentially more
  8. A law that would put tighter restrictions on folks treated for mental illness, say, an additional thirty day waiting period, might help decrease the chance of this sort of tragedy from occurring. A 30 day waiting period plus physician notification may further help reduce the likelihood of this sort of thing occurring. Had this person been required to wait 30 days to purchase a fire arm, this may never have happened - thirty days may have allowed those close to him to see he was seriously disturbed, and could have led to further medical treatment. If everyone is armed, persons who are determ
  9. Or a more thorough background check that would place greater restrictions on those who have been treated for mental illness. I'm not sure a classroom full of fully armed students is the solution.
  10. Very true - fans of BOH and those not already familiar should do themselves a favor and pick up Built to Spill's Perfect From Now On - a gorgeous piece of sumptuous, epic guitar heavy indie rock. Ten years on and it still raises goosebumps.
  11. Hmmm....you don't look like a right wing fascist.
  12. My daughter Lily and I. My mom, the wife and I. Demonstrating proper finger pointing etiquette. The cat and I.
  13. To date, seven, back in the day, when I was in - "the shit."
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