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Good Old Neon

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Everything posted by Good Old Neon

  1. Thanks for posting this - I've only read a small portion, but as others have pointed out, interesting stuff. Oh, and because the article is interesting, I rolled for a saving throw, and you scored a natural 20, so, no damage taken.
  2. Well said – I’m happy with my car about 99% of the time, but on those occasions in which it has caused me trouble, I’ve tended towards wanting to put a bullet in its engine block.
  3. Rush Limbaugh: "In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, 'Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on... I wonder if Obama's going to come to the defense of the assailants the way he did his friend Skip Gates up there at Harvard."
  4. So, I’m guessing you’re equally critical of the “defense” budget as it relates to that little pre-emptive war we waged against Iraq, the one whose motto was – Shock and Awe - which, when translated means, we’re going to drop a whole lot of shit in areas densely populated by innocent civilians with the hope that they will become so terrorized, that they’ll turn against their leader – well, the ones who don’t find themselves all blowed up, i.e. – murdered using our tax dollars?
  5. Which is why you led the charge against Bush when he was trying, successfully, to shove all that shit about Iraq down our throats, right?
  6. Which is why the two of your were always expressing your displeasure with Bush and Cheney (who, if you didn’t know better, you’d think he was the co-host of Meet the Press) whenever they appeared on television – yes or no?
  7. Well, it’s controversial because the name “Jack” was a very popular, common name amongst those who valiantly fought against the Nazis in the 2nd world war, and so the term “Jack-ass” suggests that all Jacks are asses, and therefore, their service to the country is not appreciated by a socialist such as the likes of Obama, so in that sense, yes, people are fucking outraged – as they should be. He could have said, “he’s a Mohammadass”, but he didn’t, because he’s Muslim, and like a cancer, or a really bad case of the crotch-rot, he wants to destroy America from the inside.
  8. Putting aside the fact that this may have been a calculated act, I’m beginning to suspect that, like Gary Busey, Kanye may have suffered some sort of frontal lobe damage, resulting in a lack of impulse control. What I know about him could be written on the rim of a Coke bottle using a dry marker, however, he was involved in some sort of accident involving damage to his head, correct?
  9. This community is tearing itself, and my heart, apart. “Can't we all just get along?” – Rodney King
  10. This looks and sounds like something my schizophrenic uncle would have written if my schizophrenic uncle wrote record reviews, which he didn’t, because he was schizophrenic.
  11. It’s ok I guess, but it pales in comparison to the sport I’m working on, all I can say right now is, prepare to be blown away, seriously, blown the fuck away. It’s like a mix between tennis, basketball, and Russian roulette, if they were played at night, on an unlit artillery range, using live ordinance. And what’s great, is individual players won’t have time to develop huge egos, because the better you are at playing it, pretty much guarantees that you won’t be around long enough to start getting all full of yourself for being so good at it, cause you’ll be dead.
  12. And just when you started to think, hell, it cannot get much crazier than this, it does - from Andrew Sullivan's blog. Limbaugh echoes Malkin: "In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, 'Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on... I wonder if Obama's going to come to the defense of the assailants the way he did his friend Skip Gates up there at Harvard." I'm sorry but this is outrageous. The story was a classic schoolbus bully incident; it could happen anywhere any time and has happened everywhere at all times with kids of all races, backgrounds
  13. Now watch as the right scrambles to rally behind Kanye West, who is now, because he was critized by the President, aka - Satan, a true American hero. T-Shirts and bumper stickers to follow.
  14. PANTHER and Futureage returning on the same day? This is all happening too fast.
  15. And that’s a shame, as once again, he’s exhibiting the trait pointed out in the original title to this thread, a lack of backbone. Why he kowtows to a political block that rarely gives him the time of day, in fact, probably believes he’s trying to socialize time itself, is beyond me.
  16. How about it’s not necessary to provide tax money to pay for the million other things not provided for in the constitution - why are we singling out abortion? I never claimed it is a right, I’m in favor of funding abortion as part of a comprehensive health care plan - as, outside of religious dogma, the choice to have an abortion is largely a medical one. If folks really feel as though abortion is tantamount to murder, a mortal sin, and that by paying taxes they will somehow be complicit in murder and sin, rather than talk the talk, why not walk the walk, stop paying taxes, and live with t
  17. No mental jujitsu is required. Most folks who oppose abortion will admit that they do so on religious grounds - this is not a controversial statement, it‘s a fact. As citizens, we are required to pay taxes, despite our personal feelings as to how that money is spent, period. You can choose to not pay taxes, but that will result in a hefty fine, jail time, or both. Me, I would prefer it if a shitload of tax dollars were devoted to something other than locking up non-violent drug offenders - but, as the law stands, I don’t have a choice. In fact, I would argue that locking up non-violent drug of
  18. Wow - just. fucking. wow. From Andrew Sullivan's blog, with video - which, just fucking wow. http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2009/09/rush-limbaugh-leader-of-the-gop.html
  19. In a word, yes. I would like to see what percentage of health care costs would go towards funding abortion, my guess, though I don’t have the numbers to back this up, is that it would account for a miniscule percentage of the overall cost. Edit - more expenditures that SOME people disagree with - why should their religious beliefs trump health and wellness policy?
  20. It’s a valid argument, I just don’t find it very compelling. If we were to sit down and review every single tax payer supported expenditure, I’m sure we’d each come up with dozens and dozens that we disagree with and would rather not fund. Abortion is legal, and as such, I see no reason to not fund it as one small part of some sort of government administered health care plan. The vast majority of folks who oppose abortion do so for reasons having to do with their religion, but again, religious beliefs should not drive public policy.
  21. Ahhhh, it's the Les Assassins des Fauteuils Rollents!!
  22. I’ve switched primarily to Facebook. And for a while, it was great getting back in contact with folks I haven’t spoken with since like, high school, until it quickly became apparent that the reason we lost touch, is because once we no longer shared a common enemy, i.e. everyone else in high school, we just didn’t and do not have all that much to talk about – and so then all further correspondence just feels forced and/or awkward.
  23. I saw that coming – but I’m not here to bitch.
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