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Posts posted by KevinG

  1. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/10/the-first-white-president-ta-nehisi-coates/537909/

    This is a hell of a piece. Brings into blinding focus the awful reality of the racism behind Trump's election.


    Good read, but unfortunately those that need to read it probably won't, or if they do get passed to them they will denounce it as fake news.


    What appears to have gotten the ire of the President's supporters is the deal he made with Dems over the debt ceiling. 

  2. Granted, I only scanned the transcript, but I was shocked to see that I didn't find his Afghanistan strategy to be totally insane.

    Of course not, it was too vague and empty to actually mean anything. This like everything else this President has done is a distraction.


    Remember a week ago he called Nazis fine people. That cannot be brushed aside.

  3. I think this article gives a bit a perspective on why the President continues to say (and tweet) the most amazingly stupid racist shit.  




    It is not that he is flat out racist, he is obsessed with one thing, Donald Trump. His entire presidency and his life have been about that.  


    Nope, I was wrong, just straight up racist.


    What a fucking asshole:






    Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!


    This is what he is referring to:




    Jesus, can someone do something about this fuckwad?

  4. Pence is a special kind of stupid.  He not only is really dumb, he like POTUS thinks he is the smartest guy in the room.  Compounded on that he has believes he has religious moral superiority over everyone else.  That is a dangerous combination.  


    I firmly believe that the powers that be within the GOP never thought Trump would have won (BTW Trump didn't want to win either) and they wanted to dump Pence in the dung heap that should have ended his political career.  Now the GOP is stuck with a orange faced baboon and man who is willing to put his backward Christian beliefs over the good of the country.  Plus anyone who supports or signs a "Religious Freedom" law should get a special kind of scorn and ridicule.  


    I honestly think regardless of who is POTUS from this administration, it will be the same terrible horrible legislation.  Maybe not the sheer insanity from Trump, but still damaging legislation.   

  5. He can shoot somebody and not lose fans, but I think the law of the land is another matter. Dumb public sentiment is not going to stop prosecutors from prosecuting.



    If the GJ indicts people and trump Pardons them, they will still have been indicted, which may not mean much to trumpers but it will mean something to those who are not die hards.


    Pardon me if I am cynical.  His candidacy and now presidency has been declared dead numerous times, but yet here he is, saying stupid shit and proposing stupid legislation that panders to his white nationalist base (and lets be honest here, the President and his surrogates are not trying to hide their racism anymore).   


    So until I see his stupid orange mug bumbling through a congressional hearing and articles of impeachment are voted on and passed.  I have very little hope that this man will be removed from office.  Hell, until January 20, 2020 (or god forbid 2024) and I see a new president sworn in, I expect this gas bag of human feces to sit there in the oval office an ruin our country. 

  6. The Mooch quotes just underlined how dysfunctional the white house is as a team. Shitty management and the staff keeps canabalizing itself. I am continually surprised by how little criticism there is from people who actually support Trump's agenda. He's blowing it for them.


    All to my chagrin.

    After the election a friend said he wasn't worried cause Trump has the habit of hiring quality and successful people.


    Wow was he wrong. Politics aside, Prebus seemed to be the only one who had half a brain in the administration.


    Do you think his book will be ready by Christmas? Or do you think Dancing with Stars will do an all fired Trump administration season?

  7. What a shit show this week has been for the Administration.


    I mean wow, this is a huge dumpsterfire and I just see it getting bigger and bigger.  If the stakes were not so high (meaning out country) this would be a fun TV show to watch.   

  8. I have an idea. How about a bipartisan approach to fixing Obamacare? Hm? Anyone?

    That would be a near impossibility. Republicans won't keep anything with Obama's name and Dems won't replace it. We are at an impasse

  9. Well I am certainly glad we got the spectre of trans-gendered people serving in the military taken care of.  


    Oh and Caitlyn Jenner, fuck you.  




    There are 15,000 patriotic transgender Americans in the US military fighting for all of us. What happened to your promise to fight for them?




    You hitched your wagon to this bigoted, misogynistic asshole and his terrible political party.  You act surprised and outraged when he did something like this?  Give me a break, you new this would happen.  In the mind of the man you supported and voted for president, trans people are seen as second class and not worthy to serve our country.  And the worst part about it is that you knew it too.  You knew this party and the President thought you were not a person that should be afforded the same rights as everyone else.  This is a man and a party that denies who you are.  But you stood up there, you supported him, you said he would be a friend to the LGBT community.  You lied, just to serve yourself, to continue your 15 minutes of fame.  You are sad and desperate woman.  


    Shame on you Caitlyn Jenner.

  10. I agree with this completely. I think most of the respect I have (which motivated me to share) is coming from him being earnest. I think he really believes his agenda will help the citizens of our country. He's wrong, but at least he believes. Unlike a certain NY real estate mogul turned reality TV star turned leader of the free world.


    Anyone who voted to move this "bill" forward is not earnest and does not believe .  There is no real bill to speak of.  The GOP is going to completely and fundamentally change 1/6th of our economy with only 20 hours of debate.  This is ludicrous.  So these Republicans think Obamacare is a disaster, fine, whatever.  But 20 hours of a debate is not away to change something this important.  They had 7 freaking years to come up with something.  They must of known this day would come, why only 20 hours of debate.  


    The only reason McCain voted to move this forward and will ultimately vote for whatever terrible plan that GOP comes out of this farce is out of spite.  He hates Obama, he hates that Obama beat him in 2008.  He hates that he was never President.  He is a bitter spiteful man.       



    I was deeply saddened to hear of McCain's brain tumor today. While I have often disagreed with him, I have still found him to be a genuine, earnest and respectable civil servant. It puts everything in context to me when I consider how absurd it was for me to consider him the worst imaginable potential president. Man, I was way off.


    My respect for McCain has been waning over the last couple of years.  He used to be the maverick of the Senate, now he just carries water for the Republican Party.  Today, the Senator, a person who is facing a serious medical condition and whose health care is paid for by the people of the United States, voted to take away affordable health care for millions.  And side with a man who has called him a loser.


    I certainly do not wish him harm or for him to succumb to something as horrible as cancer, but I will not heap praise on him for his past, when in the present he has done something so damaging to our nation.  He was an American Hero, but he is a hero no more and that is sad.  

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