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Posts posted by KevinG

  1. This administration has provided no evidence that Iran was cheating on the agreement. At least, none that I've seen reported. The nuclear agency tasked with the inspections have said time and time again that Iran is complying. Who do you trust? Someone who provides not a shred of evidence to back up his claim or people in the field with firsthand knowledge?


    I didn't think the impetus to pulling out of the deal was Iran's non compliance.  I understood that it was that Trump thought it was a bad deal.  Really in all likelihood it was because it was something Obama did and honestly his sole purpose as president is to undo every single thing Obama did. 

  2. To try an be very open minded:


    Some moderates have suggested that part of the progress (and then only part) in N Korea has been the way Kim responded to an atypical, grandstanding American figure. If there can ever be anything approaching a "Trump Doctrine" it would be an effectiveness to communicating to tyrants the way they understand- like a military dictator might. Maybe Iran might give even more ground.


    I don't actually believe any of that will work, but it's my best "devil's advocate" response.


    The only reason Kim is sitting down with POTUS and S. Korea for nuclear talks is because his test site has collapsed and is unusable.




    He is playing into the vanity of POTUS and trying to get a lot for really nothing.  If the site was still usable there would be no way he would sit down for talks. 

  3. Does anyone think Trump's pull-out of the Iran deal is a good thing?


    I think the MAGA crowd probably think it is great.  You know cause it is the worst deal in history of all deals. 



    He even went as far as to threaten sanctions on any country who cooperates with Iran -- does this include our allies who have vowed to uphold the agreement?


    Our foreign policy is a joke.  We do not have people in key positions around the world, we have a President that consistently contradicts his foreign policy advisers, we have a President who will simply tear up an agreement rather than try to renegotiate.  Why would any country sign any type of agreement with the US?  All this and we have top level advisers saying the best thing for Iran is a war. 


    Well, we humans had a pretty good 200,000 years.  At least I get to say I got to see the end.   

  4. I go to Waffle House a lot. Been there hundreds of times, at dozens of different locations. Based on that, I'm slightly surprised that the cook didn't calmly walk over and chop this motherfuckers head off with a knife. Most of the people working there are not to be trifled with. But I suppose that gives a little perspective on how scary and insane a shooter situation is, and how even folks who have seen and experienced some real shit and are hardened by life become powerless when confronted with these horrible killing machines.

    This should point out that not all mass shootings occur at schools ( probably most don't). So doing things like "fortifying" schools or arming teachers are just a false cry and will do nothing to prevent things like this.

  5. It was cool to watch it go down, though I'll cop to texting a few people to let them know a no-hitter was in progress.....


    I wonder if the Red Sox weren't taking a sub 500 team seriously and were returning to the beer, chicken and video game days.   

  6. They were not able to get a hit off Manaea. 


    Thank you Captain Obvious.  


    It was more a question of disbelief.  I think they are at the top or near the top every offensive category and the hottest team in baseball.  It seems odd that a big drop would happen.  Though I doubt it will last long, this is just a slight bump in what looks like a great season for the Red Sox

  7. It also explains why Hannity went batshit when Cohen's offices were raided.


    It amazes me the mental gymnastics that Hannity and his supporters are going through to explain his relationship with Cohen. 


    This is what I have heard so far:  Hannity is not a client, but yet had the Cohen on retainer.  So even he is not a client, his communications with Cohen are subject to Attorney Client Privilege.  


    So the biggest question I have right now, if Hannity's claim is true, why would Cohen perjure himself in federal court and say that Hannity was indeed his client?  This certainly does no good for Hannity or POTUS, who as we know is the biggest cheerleader for the Administration.


    The ethics thing is also a huge deal and of course he is hiding behind the shield that he is an entertainer, not a journalist (John Stewart used to do this too and I felt it was bullshit then as it is with Hannity now).  


    All in all this is a mess, but really nothing to do with the larger picture or what is going on with POTUS.  I surprised we haven't bombed Syria again.  


    edit found this article which articulates what I am trying to get at:



  8. Was the use of "mission accomplished" a jab to enrage rational people or was he utterly clueless to the negative history and connotation of that phrase?


    I always tend to vacillate between thinking the President is playing a long game manipulating the American people to further enrich himself and his friends at the expense of the American people, to the fact he is an illiterate moron.  The more and more I watch what this guys does I believe the latter.  He has no sense of history, he probably doesn't even know that GWB used that exact same phrase.  He probably thought the words sounded good and forceful.  

  9. If that works then great! I would venture to guess they have other places not know as it seems it hasn’t slowed down anything yet.. I also find it interesting we know where these plants are but not where North Korea is producing nuclear weapons?!


    This attack will probably be about as effective as the one we did last year.  I guess it is away we get to mark the coming of Spring in the Trump Administration.  


    What honestly I think is most troubling here, is the fact that President is mired in so many scandals we really don't know if this is a wag the dog situation.  This past week had Paul Ryan quit, Michael Cohen stuff, the story about the National Enquirer paying Trump's doorman, more Stormy stuff and Comey's book.  Support him or not and regardless if you think these things are made up (or overblown by the MSM) you have to look at nearly everything the President under a cloud of suspicion.


    With all this swirling about, even the most staunch Trump supporter has to question his effectiveness as a leader.  Though I admit this is setting a dangerous precedent.        

  10. I understand the Syria government was most likely behind the recent chemical attack. What I don’t understand is who and what are we bombing and how it’s going to help? Probably more innocent people going to get killed.. not sure what the answer is but don’t get this logic.


    I believe it was a targeted attack of a chemical weapons factory, thus hampering the production of these types of weapons.  Of course the Syrian government says it was a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.     

  11. I hate questioning motives or "looking into people's souls"  --- but a 'weekend dad' reason - come on! 


    The huge irony in Ryan's reasoning for retiring is that he spent his whole poltical career (and moral philosophy) slashing social programs so people have to work more and spend less time with their children.  


    In essence, he is fleeing a sinking ship.  I honestly think he is fed up with POTUS and his insanity and just wants to GTFO before he caught up in POTUS mess.  Cause when POTUS falls it won't be just him that falls, there will be a wide net cast.  

  12. Wow, it's been weeks since anyone has posted here, clearly not for lack of news, so I'm assuming it's outrage exhaustion.


    But good lord, the no-knock raid by the Feds on Trump's lawyer MIchael Cohn is a SPECTACULAR piece of political theater. I can almost guarantee (along with Manafort) it will be staged in a film one day.

    This raid will result in the firing of Mueller (among others). Shit is gonna get real interesting.

  13. Bumping this thread up so we can finally kill the 2017 MLB Thread once and for all.  Unless Lammy resurrects it again.  


    so, Rizzo is out until 4/16 (or later).  Funny I don't seem too worried.  

  14. Go figure - Shields gives up 4 runs in the 1st...


    Go White Sox!

    But when you score 14 with 6 HR you can give up 4 in the first.


    On the Cubs note (even through they beat the AAA Marlins), should I be worried about Lester and the circus that is Kyle Schwarber in left?

  15. With opening day a few days away, it is time for wild predictions here are mine.


    AL East



    Tampa Bay




    AL Central 




    White Sox



    AL West







    NL East







    NL Central



    St. Louis




    NL West







    AL Wildcard

    Twins over Boston


    NL Wilcard

    Colorado over Brewers


    AL Division Series

    Yankees over Twins in 4

    Astros over Cleveland in 5


    NL Division Series

    Cubs over Colorado in 4

    Washington over Dodgers in 4


    AL Championship Series

    Yankees over Astros in 7


    NL Championship Series 

    Cubs over Washington in 6


    World Series

    Cubs over Yankees in 7

  16. Yeah I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Doesn't feel like much of a songwriter's album. But, at this stage of his career I guess I'd rather he do music that not everyone is into than making an album of songs slightly worse than his last record. There's some fun music on it, but also a few too many spoken word passages.

    First time through, the album is a mess. All his other albums seemed to have a musical narrative thread. This just seems like he is just throwing stuff out there just cause.

  17. I am guessing Sessions would have been on the chopping block, if he didn't fire McGabe.


    Of course, I think Sessions won't last the month, either.


    As goes Sessions goes Mueller.  As this point I hope the Mueller investigation brings something big soon.  It does not seem that the GOP leadership has any intent of doing anything except protecting their guy.       

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