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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. Wow... I can't believe all of the music he's putting out there now. I hope other artists glom on to this method (minus making one giant mp3) edit: Great song... is this an older one? The name rings a bell for some reason.
  2. Yeah, not disagreeing with that.... she misunderstood, so did he. Nonetheless, not even my point. He is full of shit and it is clear from his most recent public persona. I don't dislike McCain but he is full of all kinds of shit right now. He'd be a great addition to Obama's cabinet?
  3. checking this out now. I have never liked rilo kiley but this sounds good.
  4. Seems like a bargain for the acts involved.
  5. C'mon, even those on the right must see the haze of bullshit that McCain is throwing out there now, no? Christ is he uncomfortable to watch now. It seemed everyone on the right wanted to dismiss this fact during the RNC "speech" but it's going to be a long couple of months. And the VP pick just seemed so forced and hurried. I realize that there is always politics involved with VP selection but...wow!
  6. Great stuff... I'm not a McCain hater but I'll be damned if he doesn't come off as extremely phony as of late. He just does not appear comfortable with the messages that he is delivering. The RNC and now the View... which truly is a softball environment....he just looks like he's in pain. Granted, 4 out of the 5 women are against him. As much as I don't want to see him win, it actually pains me to see Elizabeth Hasselback step in and try and help him along. Christ.
  7. I agree with you but I think "That Much Further" lacked some production punch as well. I may not be articulating it right but sometimes it seems like the drums should crash or a guitar should crunch a bit more. That said, it's probably my favorite of their albums.
  8. Yeah, I also think that Rebels went a bit after the mainstream on it's production. The songs are great but they seem to lack that punch that "Nobody's Darling" had.
  9. I love these guys and hope it works out well for them. I thought Rebels was a great release that came out without much fanfare. Just a very solid, straightforward rock band.
  10. wow... yes, great tips. I had no idea. One of the primary reasons I got the iPhone is so that I didn't have to drag multiple devices with me on trips. With the short battery life, I was thinking I would need to anyway. I'll try these out and look for the new 2.1 update. As good as the iPhone is today, imagine it in a few years.
  11. I've never really gotten into them heavy so I'm a bit late to the party. I've listened through a couple of times and like what I hear. A bit of what Prince should sound like today.
  12. It really is good. I love Daytrotter. I've never heard Colour Revolt. I'll have to check it out.
  13. The Democrat and Republican candidates that we have running in this election are far superior to the dipshits we had running in the last election.
  14. Strongly considering hitting that one up. Glad to hear the TG radio show is still in play.
  15. "Orkie" - I would consider it a personal favor if you would start a thread with THE top 10 bands. Although I think I know who you'd choose.
  16. Not a thing wrong with that... I'm assuming you heard Allison Krauss and Robert Plant cover "Sister Rosetta"? Good stuff.
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