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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. Hell, my brother and sister-in-law just had their 2nd daughter this morning and they still haven't named her. I've heard of it going a couple of days. Props to those that are better prepared. Me? I think you go in with a couple of options and see what the kid looks like. Worked for us.
  2. I'd recommend Martin Zellar at Schubas on Tuesday. Great club, great sound, very good food.
  3. You trying to bait the stoners into stating that this isn't a stoner game?
  4. I've never heard of POLVO but it sounds like you jammed in a lot of stuff during your visit. What did you think of Subterranean? Glad it was a good time.
  5. I'm with you... although he has been increasingly more visible as an up and coming actor in adult periodicals etc. I haven't seen him in anything other than Saturday Night Live. That said, when I saw the news in the Tribune this weekend, it reminded me of the story from when he was filming in Chicago and got in trouble at the Walgreens. If you haven't seen/read that story, he's goofy. He went back into that store 4 or 5 times before he was arrested.
  6. Do you think that is why he is deep and troubled?
  7. "News" story I figured his encounter in a Chicago Walgreens a few months back was more than odd but this latest may just have him bordering on spoiled actor guy without much in the way of self control?
  8. Enjoying one right now (orally). Glad to hear you had a good b-day week. Sorry you missed all the nonsense and tomfoolery.
  9. Just awesome. Mix in a bit of Ronnie Wood and Ian Maclagan and you have some unrepeatable stuff.
  10. No, I wasn't joking. I know that I owned it at one point but I'm pretty sure I had a different cover art. Maybe not. At any rate, I haven't owned it on cd for sure. I believe the only The Band that I have on cd is the anthology.
  11. I don't recognize this...what is it? I want my morning coffee to taste better.
  12. Taking the lyrics out of the context of the song doesn't work in this case. I love these guys. One of my favorite bands of this decade. For those that haven't seen them, I absolutely echo the sentiments. I can't wait to see these guys again.
  13. it's good stuff...I think I'll listen to this one on the way home shortly.
  14. If they can get this thing down to $20, it becomes the perfect gag-gift/party favor.
  15. I don't think you are too far out on a limb here Reni. He's pretty widely known for being easy on the eyes, right? His career has had a pretty positive trajectory as of late.
  16. all in good fun... just very difficult to believe that he's been your favorite actor since "Empire of the Sun" came out. Great film but his output just after that film was released was fairly minimal and a few duds sprinkled in there.
  17. I respectfully disagree with Pitchfork. They seem to try and put their neck out just beyond the indie-hipster elite so that they can be on the leading edge. This band's following continues to grow and they get very positive press in other periodicals/avenues. Personally, I don't think 3 or 4 days have gone by that I haven't listened to these guys since "We All Belong" came out. "Fate" is a great release. I hope that Pitchfork doesn't negatively influence too many folks.
  18. pssst...you can right click on his avatar to pull the URL for the image.
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