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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I'll never forget how my Grandfather from Ohio would always bring out 2 cases of Old Milwaukee when he came out to Chicago. Like you couldn't buy that shit in Chicago or something.
  2. I'm not offended by the cover. However, I'm not sure how much of this is the left losing their sense of humor. It could be the realization that this country is just stupid enough to be confused about the cover.
  3. When I Drink is a good one as well.
  4. He's actually been doing kids shows for awhile now. I saw him as the Wiggleworm Dads with Tweedy and Tim Rutili about 5 years ago. Great show. Yellow Submarine was definitely covered.
  5. Wow.. I didn't realize that this was coming out so soon. If this is on par with Emotionalism, I'll be one pleased guy.
  6. Well THAT was something, huh?
  7. Congrats Jules! Looking forward to sporadic Lake Geneva/Lake Wisconsin trips and the Hideout block party.
  8. Sounds like a good show...did it wind up selling out? How was the Obama speech?
  9. I don't like the idea of the House of Blues as a chain...however, the HOB in Cleveland is a great venue.
  10. I'm not sure if this is new or not but Ticketmaster now directs you to TicketsNow if they are "unable to fulfill your order". I was trying to get a pair of tickets to the Auditorium theatre this morning. Seems that they direct you to their own scalper site immediately. Most of the shows, lately, that I go to have been purchased tickets directly from the venue. Maybe this isn't new but it sure seems screwed up.
  11. Why? My oldest kid is named Still Feel Gone and it seems to have worked out. In hindsight, Anodyne probably would have been a better idea but whatever.
  12. or when they open for Journey...yes, I'm looking at you Cheap Trick.
  13. Rib Fest in Naperville has actually had some decent acts. You may be thinking of The Bottle Rockets. In my opinion, it's a good venue for smaller bands to play to gain an audience. There is a subtle difference between making a living and trying to gain an audience, and being a nostalgia act.
  14. I just stopped in at an AT&T store and they said that availability will be extremely limited for the next couple of weeks. Good luck and Godspeed. I'll probably wait a week or two and limp along on my work phone.
  15. I'm going to try and pick up an iPhone this week. I am iTunes centric so that works best for me. I'm not sure what availability will look like over the next several days.
  16. Hope it's a great one young man. Next year, we'll let you try
  17. I really like the Handsome Family. They used to open for Tweedy at Lounge Ax with some regularity. I've talked to Brett a few times and he's a great guy...good sense of humor. Through the Trees is a great album. I need to dig these guys out again.
  18. Let 'em know that I would support another Schubas stop as well. Thanks for the information...I'll check out the earlier stuff.
  19. thanks for the heads up on these guys Lizish. How do their other recordings compare to this? I haven't heard much about these guys.
  20. You also prefer the wrong kind of apples. And it is for these reasons that I am putting you on ignore.* *not really
  21. agreed on all fronts...again, I like Stone but he does come off a bit arrogant at times.
  22. It may be his arrogance? For the rest of you sunsabitches, for all of the bashing Hawk takes for his 'catch phrases', most announcers wish they had him. I can understand people that aren't fans of the White Sox liking him but he isn't necessarily catering to them. Some feel that they should be objective, while I appreciate him not being objective.
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