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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I believe that we are in agreement.
  2. That's awfully sad news. This guy has some of the best output of any actor living or non.
  3. Hope it's a great one Charles! If I was there, I'd build you a cougar fence and buy you a beer. Enjoy!
  4. Thanks for the ideas... i'm definitely getting closer. Yes...he and I actually went to a benefit show together a year or so ago. I have the concert print signed by all of the artists. I may frame that for him. It isn't tacky in the least and definitely has some sentimental value. I may do that in addition to getting something that the new wife can enjoy.
  5. I guess I hadn't thought much about it but I figured it was about a singer.
  6. There are definitely practical things on most people's gift registry so you are just shopping on their behalf as opposed to giving cash. I'm ok with it for the most part but for people that are really special to you, I'd prefer to go more unique. I just have a hard time buying eight sets of forks for one of my closest friends. Plus, these guys have been living together for over a year. I'm fairly certain that they have plates. As far as the tickets, it just seemed to be a decent idea. I'm definitely looking for validation of that so appreciate the feedback. I know that I would like to
  7. I never thought of MMJ being a religous band and I certainly never thought of "What a Wonderful Man" being about Jesus. Maybe I was misintrepeting though.
  8. I'm heading to one of my best friend's weddings this weekend and I have struggled with what to get him. I can probably come up with 20 ideas that would be unique, and appreciated, by him. More difficult coming up with ideas for the both of them. Although I appreciate that they "need" the stuff on their registry, I really don't want to use the registry this time around. My current idea is a subscription to a theatre for 2008/2009 season. Any ideas?
  9. I can't speak for the best REM album but the one that I come back to the most frequently is definitely Life's Rich Pageant. This is followed closely by New Adventures and Out of Time. Country Feedback would still be one of my favorite tracks.
  10. Sounds like a great time Lou. I was trying to make one of their shows but my schedule just didn't work out. I'm loving the new album though. And, you are right, Schubas in top notch.
  11. Dr. Dog - Fate - I think that this is likely my favorite by these guys thus far.
  12. I knew that we would wear off on you, Udub. I generally like your conservative point of view. Otherwise, we have guys on here that would just argue with themselves. That said, some of your comments today indicate that you've been gone too long drinking from the teet of the right. Post more!
  13. Man, if you run for President, I am going to tear you up!!
  14. I'm a cynical guy as well but I believe he is more than empty promises. I also firmly believe that he will be good for the middle class. As far as 'surrounding himself with radicals", I just believe that this is the only thing that his detractors can "find" on him. I don't see any evidence that he has ever thought this way. This guy would certainly be a step forward for the country. The country has taken multiple giant steps backwards over the past 7 years.
  15. When did you hear it all before? And, hey udub
  16. Yea, I really wanted to check out the Blues fest this year but our schedule just won't allow it. Many, many great acts this year and it looks like the weather may cooperate over the weekend. That is very rare. If you have a chance, check out Tony Joe White on Saturday. He's great to see live. Swampy blues.
  17. Did you all see that Thome homer the other night. Dag!
  18. Definitely need to clarify to accurately answer... as far as drugs, I'll take them as long as I have them. Not sure how a capsule can get less effective but they still seem to work for me. Placebo effect? As far as food, it generally depends on what it is. Eggs for instance...they say can go 7 days after the date. Generally speaking, I throw it out.
  19. Yea, thanks Oprah! The Corrections is a great book. Now Reading: George Pelcanos - Hard Revolution
  20. It has songs that sound like they could have been on the last album but I know what you're saying. I've only listened twice all the way through but it's sticking with me. "From" is an older song that I know I have heard before. A couple of songs sound like a 2008 version of The Band... and not in a derivative way.
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