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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. How is that? I was listening to samples of it yesterday and really liked what I heard. Sort of Byrdsy sounding.
  2. Drive-by Truckers and Glossary - Metro
  3. Happy b-day Lou. Hope it's a great one. If I know you, I'll likely see you this weekend.
  4. I'm very sorry for your family Kate. Take care of your daughter.
  5. Goodbye Friend - Anders Parker Goodbye - Steve Earle Last Goodbye - Jeff Buckley I Just Can't Let You Say Goodbye - Willie Nelson
  6. He is absolutely incredible live. One of the more engaging solo performers. I have seen him solo as well as with a full band on several occasions and he has always delivered.
  7. I have walked out on the Red Hot Chili Peppers 3 times in a two year span. I went to see their opening acts (one being Lollapallooza that they headlined) and left as they took the stage. I hope to get the chance to walk out on them in the future.
  8. Very sad news... my condolences to you and your family.
  9. Today - Washed my favorite work shirt with a pen in the pocket. Exploded and ruined. Also, soaked a pair of pants that had a grass stain. Had my cell phone in the pocket. Not a great day. Hoping desperately that my phone comes back to life.
  10. In all seriousness, I know Michael Ian Black was considered for Craig Ferguson's job. Maybe NBC could consider him?
  11. Except the "Replacements are boring as fuck" comment, right?
  12. Yes, I saw that on Southern Shelter and downloaded awhile back. Great stuff. I'd love to see this guy tour a bit on his own like Patterson does. The days of seeing them in a really small club in Chicago has passed so seeing them solo is about the only opportunity we have.
  13. I don't disagree, however, Conan was always funny. He just had a difficult time transferring to being a talk show host/performer. I'm not sure that Fallon is all that funny nor a good talk show host. He struggled with the News segment on SNL. Reading cue cards was even difficult.
  14. I would fucking LOVE that. Hell, i'd take a solo show in Chicago some time. My interpretation is that he is more than content with his output. He must have a pocket full of outtakes he could put out. Although, a couple of the songs on the latest probably should have been outtakes.
  15. You see? Already repeating each other.
  16. I've seen him be mildly amusing but I've never considered him all that funny. Do you know who does? Jimmie Fallon.
  17. I wasn't comparing Cooley to Westerberg, nor insulting his output. I was more or less just implying that the thread had already covered about 80% of his lyrics. Just reading his lyrics makes me want to run and listen to him.... edit: "You say you're tired of me taking you for granted Waiting' up till the last minute to call you up and see what you want to do Well you're only fifteen, girl, you ain't got no secretary And "for granted" is a mighty big word for a country girl like you You know it's just your Daddy talking Cause He knows that blood red carpet at the Salem Church of Chri
  18. I'm not wild about the guy but AP is reporting that he is the guy. I hope they are considering other folks as well. My guess is that they must see him as appealing to a young audience. AP report
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