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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. If you have an iPod and don't have a "Cooley" playlist, you should.
  2. You guys seem to have covered ground pretty well. The guy, unfortunately, doesn't have near the songs of a Westerberg. However, he sure has a way with words. I'm loving the bulk of his contributions to the latest album. "It was 1990 give or take I don't remember when the news of revolution hit the air The girls hadn't even started taking down our posters when the boys started cutting off their hair The radio stations all decided angst was finally old enough it ought to have a proper home Dead fat or rich nobody
  3. I was a big fan of how the thread started. Some folks have a hard time avoiding being contrary for contrary purposes. I can live with comments stating that Matthew Sweet is one of the best songwriters of all time regardless of it not being remotely true. The negative stuff just goes a bit over the top for me personally. Generally just comes off as posts trying to incite people. Continue.
  4. Is he the sound guy at a bar with open mic night?
  5. No is the correct response. For those of you not interested in Scarlett or Natalie Portman's looks, can you advise on who's looks you do admire? That would be great. Thanks.
  6. Yowsa...what is this? Is this a boot or was this formally released?
  7. She is adorable. Also, looks like she should have played June Carter Cash in "Walk the Line". Reese did a nice job but this is a better fit possibly.
  8. Guys - I came to this thread to read about cheap beer. Please don't fuck it up further. Also, I agree with El Kev that the new McDonalds chikn sandwich is damn fine and comparable to chikafile'. Warm Regards.
  9. I would consider Guiness to be a pretty cheap stout. Definitely cheap on overall flavor but it really isn't overly expensive either.
  10. I was a little disappointed that they weren't on iTunes. I would like to screen slightly to see if they are worth buying.
  11. Great interview with Paul in Billboard: billboard
  12. 32 miles each way. The perfect end to each perfect day. Generally, doesn't bother me thanks to iPod/podcasts. However, I have my moments. The $50+ in gas each week isn't exactly great either.
  13. Feasible that maybe she's just annoyed that your girlfriend is always around? Like a 3rd roomate? Asking her is pretty good idea as well.
  14. They have played in Chicago several times recently. Not sure what the lineup was though. GREAT band.
  15. Hey - great work! Congratulations. You guys are baby-making machines. We had to stop at 3 as it was just getting a bit overwhelming. edit: And what a head of hair!
  16. ah, gotcha. I agree that they are due financially. How musically noteworthy is probably indifferent to most of us Replacements fans. It would just be great to see them play again. I think Slim should be in the mix. I know Chris isn't interested and I can appreciate that. I've seen the Replacements & Westerberg in all of their incarnations on numerous occasions. Two of my top 3 shows have been Paul solo. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  17. 30 Rock is the best network sitcom of all time.
  18. First, the Pixies reunion was ridiculously successful and lucrative. They were playing bigger venues than when they were in their prime. Second, with as little as Paul tours, and the influence that the Replacement's have had, I'm sure it would be "noteworthy". Not sure how you are defining that but, if I understand correctly, you are trying to tie to whether the tour would be successful or not.
  19. Yes, I have a hard time getting excited about cheaper beer but sometimes it works well in the heat of the summer. Yeungling has been mentioned and is pretty damn good. I also like Coors and Coors light at times. Old Style and PBR aren't completely out of the question either. I also heard that Schlitz is releasing it's original recipe in limited distribution. I wouldn't mind trying that.
  20. We'll miss you there. Of all bands to reunite, this is the band that should do it. The real kicker is that Westerberg rarely tours anymore. If it takes a reunion to get him out, I'll take it.
  21. I believe the rumor was Billy Corrigan wrote the tunes for that album
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