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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I think Steve Stone is phenomenal but this would make me a bit on the sad side. DJ is solid in my opinion. He and Hawk get unfairly bashed by all together too many.
  2. Oh, I'm not going to disagree with that. I love "Sea Change"... however, thus far, I like the new one quite a bit. It's not "summer girl" but it has some fun moments on it.
  3. I thought I ran a tight ship. I'm going to share these at next staff meeting.
  4. My first full listen...so far, so good. As far as "fun", it's more fun than "Sea Change", right?
  5. Tim isn't the guy from You Am I is he?
  6. Great song...I don't think I've ever heard of him. For a second I thought "road trip to Ft. Wayne" and quickly realized it's on a Monday night.
  7. I think we're saying the same thing. I am in the jay-z/p-diddy realm of success my own self.....I light my cuban cigars with $20 while sipping America's finest beers. I'm just saying that being successful does not equate to being a Republican or liking gWB. Rollin'...
  8. Do you honestly think that it's unsuccessful people that don't like Bush?
  9. This sounds like a pretty good event. I'll have to look into tickets.
  10. Do you work at Halliburton or own an oil reserve?
  11. He reminds me of a real awkward boss I once had. My boss was, coincidentally, really incompetent as well. My boss' incompetence was a bit less painful for the overall world though.
  12. I really love this record. I removed 2 songs from my iTunes version (and at times skip a 3rd) but the balance of this is really solid.
  13. I'm likely going to head to the American Music Festival in Chicago...it's an annual tradition for me. They rarely miss.
  14. I haven't seen too many people accuse him of "evil" as much as an abuser of power with a clear agenda. People mistake his bumbling nature for incompetence and that is selling him short. He's clearly not an articulate man but his ego is massive and he knows no boundaries. He is abusing power to try and accomplish his agenda.
  15. Wow, if your distaste in Bush has mellowed since 2004, you are really in the minority. Most of his head in the sand "supporters" have even seen the light. I realize that you aren't a supporter but I'm not sure how he has gained any favor with you. Regardless of what political party you align yourself with, this guy is easily one of the worst leaders in US history. How he won twice is a testament to the stupidity of our nation. As far as being evil, that is somewhat subjective. However, in my opinion, he very clearly misled America on the case to go to war with Iraq by playing on fear an
  16. Wow, that is a great article. Thanks for posting. Looks like I was right, he hasn't been on network television in over a decade. Talk about someone finally getting their just due. I hope this album and tour do well for him.
  17. Agreed that the album is great. Production sounds good as well. The idea is this a collection of songs that encaptures his 30 year music history. Side note: anybody notice there is an unusual amount of time between some of the songs?
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